National Medical Library | Sokolska 54 Prague 2

Otevírací doba knihovny

  Služby v Sokolské 54:

Po, Út, St, Čt     9:00 – 18:00

Pá                       9:00 – 17:00

  Čítárna časopisů – Sokolská 31:

(Lékařský dům)

Po, St, Pá           9:00 – 16:00

Út, Čt                 9:00 – 18:00

Objednané časopisy a xerokopie

si lze vyzvedávat pouze v této době.

více informací


This service is provided only to registered NLK users.

Are you unfamiliar with our information resources? Do you need advice on how to search for information effectively or cite correctly? We will be happy to advise you during an individual consultation. Fill out the form and one of our librarians will contact you.

The consultation is free and takes place in person at the main building of the National Medical Library – Sokolská 54.

Please always wait for confirmation of the consultation date.


Information about personal data processing in NML can be found here.