Budeme moc rádi, když nám pomůžete fond doplnit
Aktuální stav
A | B | C | Č | D | E | F | G | H | CH | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z |
Abdominal Imaging
- 2005/30/2
Acta anaesthesiologica scandinavica
- 1978/suppl.68
- 1986/30/2
- suppl. 88, 89
- 2010/54/3-10
Acta cardiologica
- 1994/49/1
- 1998/53/6
Acta Cytologica
- 2010/54/2-6
Acta Dermatovenereologica
- 1991/suppl.164
- 2006/86/2-6
Acta Endoscopica
- 1997/27/5,6
- 1998/28/6-spéc.
- 1999/29/spéc.1,spéc.2
Acta Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis
- 1964/13
- 1977/55
- 1980/69
- 1982/74
Acta hygienica, epidemiologica et microbiologica
- 1999/č.7
- 2000/č.1-5
Acta Chemotherapeutica
- 1999/4/1-2
- 1996/5/5
- 1998/7/5
- 2003/12/4
- 2004/13/1,2,3
- 2006/16/5
Acta chirurgiae orthopaedicae et traumatologiae Čechoslovaca
- 1997/64/1
- 2018/85/1-4,6
Acta chirurgiae plasticae
- 1998/40/1-3
- 2017/84/1-4,6
Acta Chirurgica Hungarica
- 1990/31/4
- 1995-1996/35/3,4
Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica
- 1984/suppl.519
- 1985/151/6
- 1989/155/6
Acta clinica belgica
- 1991/46
Acta dermatovenereologica
- 1991/71/suppl.156, 158, 161
- 2006/86/2-6
Acta endocrinologica
- 1990/122/2
- 1990/123/suppl.
Acta endoscopica
- 1962/suppl.75
- 1985/15/1
- 1996/26/6
- 1997/27/5,6
- 2009/39/1-2
Acta Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis
- 1990/10
- 1992/109
Acta gastroenterologica belgica
- 1992/55/2
Acta haematologica
- 1984/72/3
Acta histochemica
- 1987/82/1
- 1991/90/1
- suppl. 25-28
Acta historica scientiarum naturalium et medicinalium
- 1970/22
Acta hygienica, epidemiologica et microbiologica
- 1983/příloha 1-3
- 1999/č.7
Acta Chemo-therapeutica -Bratislava
- 1995/4/1,2
Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Čechoslovaca
- 2003/70/1
- 2004/71/2
- 2010/77/2.4-6
- 2011/78/suppl.
- 2013/80/1-5
Acta chirurgica scandinavica
- 1963/suppl.316,317
- 1964/suppl.342
- 1968/suppl.388
Acta Chirurgica Hungarica
- 1995-96/35/3,4
Acta chirurgica scandinavica
- 1963/suppl.316,317
- 1964/suppl.342
- 1968/suppl.388
Acta Medica
- 2005/45/3,4,suppl.2
- 2009/52/4
- 2011/54/3,4
- 2017/60/1
Acta medica austriaca
- 1985/12/6
- 1992/19/6
- 1994/21
- 1997/24/4,6
Acta Medica Auxologica
- 1981/13/3
- 1986/18/1,3
Acta Medica et Biologica
- 2008/56/2-4
Acta Medica Martiniana
- 2004/4/4
- 2005/5/4
- 2017/17/1,4
Acta Medicinae
- 2013/2/8
- 2015/4/4
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica
- 1986/suppl.111
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
- 1993/72/3-8
- 2006/85/2-11
Acta Ophthalmologica
- 1977/suppl.131
- 1984/62/7
- 1988/66/3
Acta Orthopaedica
- 2007/78/6
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologiae Čechoslovaca
- 2009/76/1-5
Acta orthopedica scandinavica
- 1967/suppl.9
Acta Otolaryngologica
- 1962/suppl.174
- 1974/suppl.320
- 1975/suppl.338
- 1991/suppl.486-489
Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Belgica
- 1999/53/1
Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica
- 1989/79/1-7
- 1990/79/1-7
Acta physiologica Scandinavica
- 1970/suppl.353
Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica
- 1974/suppl.247
- 1991/84/2
Acta radiologica
- 1963/1/I.část
Acta spondylologica
- 2003/2/1
- 2004/3/2
Acta stereologica
- 1998/17/2
Acta stomatologica Belgica
- 1992/89/3-4
- 1997/94/3,4
Acta Therapeutica
- 1993/19/1,4-6
Acta Universitatis Carolinae
- 1963/suppl.17-Medica
- 1971/Biologica
- 1973/56-57/Monographiae
- 1978/86/Monographiae
- 1978/88/Monographiae
- 1986/111 Monographia
- 1987/27/2 Historia
Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica
- 2014/50/2
- 2018/54/2
Acta Urologica Italica
- 1991/5/3
- 1993/7/3,4
- 1994/8/3,4,5,6
- 1997/11/4
Acupunctura Bohemo Slovaca
- 1999/6/1,2,4
- 2000/7/1,3,4
- 2001/8/1,2,3,4
- 2002/9/1,2,4
- 2003/10/3
- 2007/14/1,2
- 2009/16/1,3-4
- 2010/17/1,4
Adiktologie v preventivní a léčebné praxi
- 2018/1/1-2
Adolescent and Pediatric Gynecology
- 1989/2/2
- 1990/3/2,3
- 1991/4/3,4
Age and Ageing
- 1997/26/Suppl.3
- 2006/35/3-6
- 2009/3/4
- 1990/31/11,12
- 1991/32/11,12
AIDS Bibliography
- 1995/8/3
AIDS Education and Prevention
- 1992/4/4
- 1993/5/1,4
AIDS Letter
- 1992-1993/36,40
- 1994-1995/42,44,45
- 1996-1997/61
- 1997-1998/69
- 1999/70
- 2000/79
AIDS Research and Retroviruses
- 1990/6/2,3,4
Akademický bulletin
- 2002/č.12
- 2005/č.7,8,11
- 2007/č.4,6-12
Aktuality v nefrologii
- 2003/9/4
- 1995/č.2-4
- 1998/4/3
- 2013/19/1-2
- 2016/22/1
Aktuální témata v onkologii
- 2017/2/2-4
Akušerstvo i ginekologija
- 1998/5
Albrecht von Grafes Archiv
- 1982/218
- 2000/2/1
- 2006/8/suppl.2
- 2008/10/1-3
- 2013/15/1,2
Alergie, astma , bronchitida
- 2004/7/1,2
- 2007/10/4
- 2009/12/3
- 2000/1/4
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- 1990/4/6
- 1992/6/suppl
- 1995/9/1,2
- 2010/31/5-12
- 2012/35/1-6,9-10,12
- 2012/36/1-3,5-12
- 2013/37/1-8
- 2013/38/1-2,4-12
- 2014/39/1-4,8,12
- 2015/41/2,4-12
- 2016/43/1,10
- 2016/44/2-3,7
Alkohol a drogy
- 1992/č.1,4
Allergie und Immunologie
- 1991/37/2
- 2002/57/suppl.73
- 2010/63/3-12
Allergy and Clinical Immunology International
- 1998/10/1,2,4,5,6
- 1999/11/5
- 2001/13/5
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders
- 2003/17/4
- 2010/24/2-4
Alzheimer Insights
American Family Physician
- 2004/69/7-12
American Heart Journal
- 1961/62
- 2000/139/č.2/Part 3
- 2010/159/3-6
American Journal of Cardiology
- 2010/105/6-12
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- 1995/61/3,3S,5-6
- 1996/62/2,2S,3,3S
American Journal of Clinical Oncology
- 1997/20/4-6
American Journal of Clinical Pathology
- 1970/53
- 2006/126/1
- 2010/133/2-6
American Journal of Dermatopathology
- 1991/13/3
- 2004/26/2,3
- 2009/31/8
American Journal of Disease of Children
- 1977/131/1-6
American Journal of Epidemiology
- 1999/150/2,3,12
- 2000/151/3-12
- 2000/152/1-12
- 2004/159/10,11
- 2006/163/5-12
- 2008/167/1-5
- 2008/168/2-6
American Journal of Gastroenterology
- 2003/98/9
American Journal of Hematology /cz/
- 2014/5/1-2,4
- 2016/7/1,3-4
- 2017/8/1,3
American Journal of Human Genetics
- 2004/74/6
- 2004/75/1,2
- 2007/81/2
American Journal of Hypertension
- 1988/1/2,3
- 1989/2/1-11/part 1
- 1990/3/1,6-11,12part 1
- 1991/4/1,2,3,5,6,8,9
- 1992/5/5part 2,6-12
- 1993/6/1-4,5part 2,6-12
- 1997/10/8,9,10,11,12
American Journal of Infection Control
- 1991/19/1
- 1999/27/2-6
American Journal of Medical Genetics
- 2001/106/3
- 2009/149A/4-24
- 2009/150B/3-8
- 2009/151C/2-4
American Journal of Medicine
- 2004/116/3,4,8,10,12
- 2004/117/2
- 2009/122/4-12
- 2012/125/4-12
- 2013/126/4-12
American Journal of the Medical Sciences
- 1994/307/1,2
American Journal of Mental Retardation
- 1993-1994/98/3
- 1998-1999/103/3-6
American Journal of Neuroradiology
- 1998/19/10
- 2007/28/3-10
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 1963/87
- 1996/175/3-part2
- 2003/189/4
- 2010/202/4-6
- 2019/220/4-12
American Journal of Occupational Therapy
- 1972/26
- 1998/52/2-10
American Journal of Ophthalmology
- 1991/111/1
- 1999/127/1
- 2004/137/3-6
- 2004/138/1
- 2010/149/4-6
American Journal of Pathology
- 1990/137/3
- 1998/152/5
- 2010/176/2-6
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- 2010/89/3-12
American Journal of Physiology
- 1988/254/6-part 2
- 1991/260/2-part 2
- 2004/286/4-part 1
- 2009/296/4-6
American Journal of Psychiatry
- 1985/142/3-4,9-12
- 1989/146/12
- 1998/155/4
- 2000/157/8,9
- 2003/160/3
- 2004/161/5,6,7,8
- 2010/167/2-12
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
- 1990/3/4
- 1991/4/5
American Journal of Roentgenology
- 2007/189/3
- 2010/194/4-6
- 2012/199/1-4,6
American Journal of Surgery
- 1999/178/1-6
- 1999/179/1,2
- 2005/190/2
- 2010/199/4-6
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology
- 1995/19/6,7
- 1997/21/1
- 1998/22/5,11
- 2000/24/7,8,10
American Journal of the Medical Sciences
- 1994/307/1,2
- 2010/339/2-6
The Amarican Journal of Sports Medicine
- 2017/45/2-12
American Journal of Transplantation
- 2016/16/2-12
American Journal of Transplantation /cz/
- 2011/1/1-3
- 2012/2/1-2,4
- 2013/3/1-3
- 2014/4/1-3
American Praticioner
- 1961/12/I.část
American Surgeon
- 1992/58/9
- 2002/68/1
- 2003/69/11
- 2007/73/9-12
Ami report
- 1993/1/1,3-6
- 1994/2/6
- 1995/3/4-5
AM review
- 2015/č.11
- 2016/č.26
- 1992/47/8-12
- 1993/48/1-6,8-10,12
Anaesthesiologie und Reanimation
- 1992/17/1-4
Anastesiologische Praxis
- 1973/8/1
- 1977/14/1
Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy
- 2017/49/3
Anatomical Record
- 2009/292/4-12
Anatomical Sciences Education
- 2008/1/1
- 2009/2/2-4,6
- 2010/3/2-6
Anatomischer Anzeiger
- 1963/suppl.112
- 1991/172/2
Anesthesia & Analgesia
- 2010/110/2-6
- 2010/112/2-6
Anesteziologia intensywna
- 2013/XLV/2
Anesteziologija i reanimotologija
- 1993/1
- 1996/4,5
- 1999
- 2010/61/2-6
Angis revue
- 2013/6/5
Angle Orthodentist
- 1969/39
Annales Academiae Medicae Gedanensis
- 2011/41/1
Annales Academiae Medicae Lodzensis
- 1997/38/1,4
Annales chirurgiae et gynaecologia Fenniae
- 1975/suppl.190,191
Annales de chirurgie plastique esthetique
- 1995/40/5
- 1996/41/2-6
Annales de chirurgie
- 1998/52/9
- 1999/53/3,6,8,9,10
Annales d´Endocrinologie
- 2005/60/4
Annales Paediatrici.Bibliotheca Paediatrica
- 1968/87
Annales pharmaceutiques francaises
- 1996/54/6
- 1999/57/2-6
Annales d´ endocrinologie
- 2002/63/1
- 2006/67/1
- 2007/68/5
Annales de radiologie
- 1993/36/5
Annales Universitatis Marie Curie-SklodowskaAnnals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
- 1999/83/1,6/Part III
Annals of Allergy , Asthma & immunology
- 2006/96/5
- 2006/971-6,Suppl.1,2
- 2010/104/5-6
Annals of Burns and Fire Diseasters
- 2009/22/1-3
- 2014/27/1-2,4
Annals of Clinical Biochemistry
- 1990/27/5
- 2009/46/4
Annals of Emergency Medicine
- 1988/17/7,9,10,12
- 1989/18/1,6,9,12
- 2004/43/4
- 2010/55/4-12
Annals of Epidemiology
- 2007/17/6
Annals of Hematology
- 1992/65/3
Annals of Human Genetics
- 2010/74/2-6
Annals of Internal Medicine
- 2004/141/1,2
- 2005/142/8
- 2010/152/4-12
Annals of Medicine
- 2005/37/8
- 2014/46/7-8
Annals of Surgery
- 2010/251/2-6
Annals of Surgical Oncology
- 2004/11/2-suppl.
- 2016/23/3,6-13
Annals of the New York Academy of Science
- 1962/100
- 1962/102/1
- 1964/115/2
- 1968/147/7
- 1969/164/3
Annals of Occupational Hygiene
- 1998/42/3-8
Annals of Otology , Rhinology and Larynology
- 2006/115/3-12
Annals of Pharmacotherapy
- 1992/26/11-12
- 1993/27/5-6,9-12
Annals of Surgical Oncology
- 1999/6/1-3,5-8
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
- 2010/69/3-12
Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
- 1997/79/suppl.1
- 2004/86/4
- 2011/93/8
- 2013/95/5-8
Annals of Thoracic Surgery
- 2010/89/4-6
Antiinfectives News
- 2018/9/1
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
- 1996/40/8-12
Antibiotiká a rezistencia
- 2008/7/1
- 2009/8/1.3
- 2011/10/2
Antibiotiki i chimioterapija
- 2005/50/12
- 2006/51/7
- 2004/XLII/3
- 2013/LI/3
APMIS-Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica…
- 1996/104/1
- 1999/107/8
Appel – sdružení praktických lékařů ČR
- 1999/3/1,3-6
- 2012/16/7
- 2018/22/3
Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology
- 1999/8/2,3,4
Applied Immunohistochemistry
- 1998/6/2-4
Archiv za higienu rada i toksikologiju
- 1975/suppl.26
Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L´Environnement
- 2007/68/3,4
- 2008/69/1,5,6
- 2009/70/3
- 2011/72/3
- 2012/72/5
- 2014/75/2
- 2018/79/1-3,5-6
Archives of Dermatological Research
- 1991/283/1
- 1992/284/8
Archives of Dermatology
- 2004/140/7
- 2007/143/12
- 2010/146/4-12
- 2011/2/1,3-12
Archives of Disease in Childhood
- 1968/43
Archives of Enviromental Health
- 1965/11/II.část
- 1966/13/II.část
- 1969/19/I.část
- 2003/58/7
- 2008/63/3-4
- 2009/64/2-4
- 2010/65/2-4
- 2011/66/2-4
- 2013/68/2-4
Archives of Gastroenterohepatology
- 1997/16/1-3
- 1998/17/2-4
- 2008/27/3-4
Archives of General Psychiatry
- 1982/39/5,7-121990/471973/28/I.část
- 2004/61/7
- 2010/67/3-12
- 2012/69/1-2,4-12
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics
- 1996-1997/259/1
Archives of Internal Medicine
- 2000/160/12,17
- 2002/162/6
- 2008/168/2
- 2010/170/7-22
Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux
- 1995/88/2,3
Archives des maladies professionnelles et de medecine travail
- 1961/22
- 1995/56/1
Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l´environnement
- 2013/74/1-2,3-4
- 2015/76/2,5
- 2016/77/1
Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health
- 2010/65/2-6
Archives of Medical Research
- 1993/24/2
Archives of Neurology
- 2010/67/3-12
- 2012/69/1-8
Archives of Ophthalmology
- 2010/128/3-12
- 2011/129/1-12
- 2012/130/1-9
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
- 1994/113/5
- 1996/115/7,8
Archives of Otolaryngology
- 1991/117/12
- 1993/119/9,11,12
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
- 2010/134/3-12
Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
- 2008/162/1,3-12
- 2009/163/1-7
- 2012/166/5-9
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- 1995/76/3
- 2003/84/11
- 2004/85/2
- 2008/89/4-12
- 2016/97/2-12
Archives of Public Health
- 2002/60/6
- 2003/61/1-4
- 2004/62/1-2
Archives of Surgery
- 2004/139/7
- 2011/146/4-12
- 2012/147/1-9
Archivio di psicologia,neurologie e psichiatria
- 1994/55/6
- 1996/57/5,6
Archivos del Instituto de Cardiologia de Mexico
- 1963/33/2
Archivum Immuniligiae et Therapiae Experimentalis
- 1964/12/suppl.
- 1965/13
- 2001/2/2
- 1997/č.2-4
Ars Medici
- 1992/82
- 1994/84/8-12
- 1997/87/6-22
Arthritis and Rheumatism
- 1997/40/7-11
Aerztliche Praxis
- 1991/43/3,4,18
- 1992/44/12,96
- 1994/46/61
- 1997/49/12-26,30
- 1998/50/27-40
- 1999/51/45-55
- 2004/56/98-104
- 2017/2/3
- 2003/VII/4
- 2004/VIII/1,3,4
- 2005/IX/1-4
- 2006/X/1-4
- 2007/XI/1-4
- 2008/XII/1-2
- 2013/XVII/3-4
Atheriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
- 2010/30/2-12
Atherosclerosis supplements
- 2005/6/suppl. 4
- 2008/9/suppl. 1
- 1981/40/1-4
- 2005/51/6-12
- 2010/18/3-4
- 1991/č.1,2
- 1992/č.5
- 1993/č.6,7
- 1995/č.31,33,34,35
Australasian Radiology
- 1995/39/2,3
Autism Research
- 2008/1/1
A/Věda a výzkum
- 2017/1/3-4
Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
- 1998/69/4-12
Avicenna revue
- 1998/1/4
Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics
- 2009/12/2
Balneologia Bohemica
- 1975/4/2
- 1976/5/2
- 1978/7/4
Balneologia Polska
- 1962/12
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
- 2010/106/3-6
Basic Research in Cardiology
- 1992/87/1
- 2005/100/2
Bazén a sauna
- 2005/12/1/2
- 2003/č.45
- 2005/č.66-69
Beitrage zar Silikose-Forschung
- 1976/48/Beilage
- 1976/49/Beilage
- 1976/24
Bezpečná práca
- 1995/26/1
Bibliographia Medica Czechoslovaca
- 1973/27
- 1978-1979/32-33/I.-IV.část
Bildgebung Imaging
- 1996/63/3,4
Biochemical Journal
- 1990/270/3
Biochimica and Biophysica Acta
- 1990/1047/3
- 1994/1187/2
- 2004/1658/1-2
- 2009/1788/9
- 2009/1789/1
- 2009/1790/1
- 2009/1791/1
- 2009/1793/1
- 2009/1794/1
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
- 2004/325/1,2
- 2009/379/2-4
- 2009/48/49
- 2010/49/8-51
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- 2008/41/7-11
- 2011/44/10-12
Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin
- 2009/32/2
- 2011/34/4-12
Biological Trace Element Research
- 1995/50/1
- 1999/71/1-3
- 1999/72/1-3
- 2003/96/1-3
- 2004/97/1
- 1999/27/2-4
Biologická léčba
- 2009/2/3
- 2012/5/2
Biologické listy
- 2000/65/2-4
Biomarkers and Environment
- 1997/1/3-2x,4-2x
- 1998/2/4
- 1999/3/3-4-2x
- 2002/5/2
- 2015/roč.40-73
- 2016/roč.78-…
Biometrical Journal
- 1990/32/6
Biophysical Journal
- 2010/98/3-12
- 1993/3/1,2,3
- 1998/8/4
Bio Techniques
- 1984/2/1
- 1985/3/1
- 1986/4/2,3,4,5,6
- 1995/19/1,4,5,6
- 1999/26/2-6
- 2001/31/1,2,4
- 2012/2/2-3
- 2004/111/9
- 2009/116/6
BJU International
- 2010/105/4-12
Bjulleten eksperimentalnoj biologii i mediciny
- 1997/124/1-8
- 2009/114/12
- 2010/115/3,9-12
- 2011/117/8,12,16-18
- 2011/118/11,15,17,21
- 2012/120/17-18,21
- 2013/121/1-9,11-12
Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis
- 2010/21/2-8
BMB Reports
- 2009/42/1-5,12
- 2010/43/1
BMJ British Medical Journal
- 2010/340/7744-…
- 2012/344/7838-7849,7851-7860,7863
- 2012/345/7865-7871,7874,7879-7884
- 2007/3/březen+…
- 2008/3/září+…
- 2009/4/…
- 2011/5/únor,prosinec
- 2013/7/listopad
- 2002/5/2,4
- 2003/6/2,suppl.2
- 2007/10/4
- 2010/46/4-6
- 1991/114/2
- 2015/138/2-12
Brain and Development
- 2005/27/1
- 2014/36/5-10
Brain Pathology
- 2009/19/2-4
- 2010/20/2-4
Brain Topography
- 1998/11/2
- 2011/č.1-9,11-12
- 2012/č.1-8,10-12
- 2013/č.1-4,6-8,10
- 2014/č.1-3,5-8,10
- 2016/č.3-4,6
- 2017/č.1-4
- 2018/č1-2
The Breast
- 2006/15/3
- 2009/18/6
- 2010/19/2-6
Breast Cancer News
- 2011/1-3
- 2012/1-3
- 2013/1-2
- 2014/4/2
- 2005-06/2/1
- 2006/3/1
- 2007-8/4/1
- 2008-09/5/1,3-4
British Columbia Medical Journal
- 1992/3/Annual Rep.
- 1995/37/10
British Dental Journal
- 1962/113/4
- 1992/172/4
- 1992/173/10-12
- 1998/184/1,4,7,12
- 1998/185/3,6,7,8,11,12
British Journal of Cancer
- 1978/37/II.část
- 1999/79/9,10
British Journal of Dermatology
- 1988/118/4,5,6
- 1990/122/3
British Journal of Dermatology /cz/
- 2013/1/1
British Journal of Haematology
- 1962/8
- 1963/9
British Journal of Healthcare Computing & Infirmation Management
- 1997/14/3-4,8,10
- 1998/15/1-2,4-6,8-9
- 1999/16/1,3-8
- 2000/17/3-5,7-8
- 2002/19/2,4
- 2003/20/1-2,9
- 2004/21/1-4,10
- 2005/22/7
- 2006/23/3,5-7
- 2007/24/3,5-10
British Journal of Medical Psychology
- 1996/69/1
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- 1969/76/9-12
British Journal of Ophtalmology
- 2009/93/9
- 2013/97/1
- 2017/101/4-6,8-12
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- 2009/47/2-8
British Journal of Pharmacology
- 2009/157/2
- 2010/159/2-8
British Journal of Psychiatry
- 1975/126/II.část
British Journal of Radiology
- 2010/83/987…
British Journal of Rheumatology
- 1994/33/Abstracts 2
British Journal of Surgery /BJS/
- 2009/96/4-12
British Journal of Urology
- 1961/33
British Medical Bulletin
- 1997/50/2
British Medical Journal
- 1968/9/III.část
- 1968/10/IV.část
- 1991/302/6970
- 1991/303/6817
- 2012/344/7838-7849,7851-7860,7863
- 2012/345/7865-7871,7874,7879-7884
- 2014/348/7947-7964
Brýle & Móda
- 2013/č.1-2
Bulletin České společnosti pro biochemii a molekulární biologii
- 2003/31/3,4
Bulletin de l academie serbe des sciences
- 1961/27/5
Bulletin Arcus
- 1996/-/2,4,5
- 1997/-/14
- 1999/-/33,35-44
Bulletin dětské endokrinologie
- 2013/4/1,3
- 2014/5/1
Bulletin HPCH
Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály
- 1997/-/1,3
- 2004/10/3
Bulletin Odborového svazu zdravotní a sociální péče
- 1992/č.2-4
- 1995/č.4,6
- 2002/č.11
Bulletin of Medical Ethics
- 1996-97/-/127
- 2004/2004/č.195
- 2006/2006/č.215 a více
Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
- 2004/86/7
- 2011/93/10
- 2012/94/3,6
- 2013/95/2,6-10
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
- 2010/88/11
- 2012/90/1,3-4,10-11
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
- 2002/43/1,2
- 2004/45/3
- 2005/46/1,2
- 2006/47/1-2,4
- 2007/48/2-4
- 2010/51/1-2,4
- 2011/52/1,4
- 2012/53/2,4
- 2015/56/1
- 2017/58/3
Bulletin Sdružení praktických lékařů
- 1997/7/1,5,6
- 1998/8/2-2x,3,4,6
- 2001/11/5
- 2010/20/1
Bulletin Společnosti C-M-T
- 2018/č.64
Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College
- 1994/35/2
- 1995/36/3,4
- 1998/39/4
- 1999/40/2,4
- 2000/41/2,3
- 2008/49/2-4
Bylinky speciál
- 2013/č.1-2,4-5,7-8,10-12
- 2009/59/3-6
Calcified Tissue International
- 1990/47/3
Calcified Tissue Research
- 1979/suppl.27
- 2011/18/3,5
- 2012/19/2,4
- 2013/20/2,4
- 1997/2/2-4
Campus Medicorum
- 2004/7-8
Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia
- 1993/40/7
- 2004/51/3
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia
- 2000/47/3,11
Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology
- 1994/8/1-5
Canadian Journal of Surgery
- 1997/40/2-6
Canadian Medical Association Journal
- 1991/144/6
- 1993/148/11
- 1994/150/8
- 2010/116/4-12
- 2011/117/1-24
- 2012/118/1-2,4-24
Cancer Research
- 2010/70/2,3
Cancer and Metastasis Reviews
- 1995/14/3,4
- 1992/61/2
Cancer Control
- 1994/1/2
- 1995/2/5
- 1996/3/5
Cancer Detection and Prevention
- 1994/18/6
- 1995/19/5,6
- 1997/21/1,2,3,5,6
- 1999/23/1,4-6
Cancer Epidemiology,Biomaker and Prevention
- 2005/14/7-12
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics
- 1998/105/2
- 2003/145/2
- 2005/156/1
- 2010/197/2
Cancer Journal
- 2005/11/2
Cancer Research
- 1989/49/21,22
- 1992/52/6,12
- 2003/63/24
- 1962/12
- 1982/suppl.1
- 1993/38/6-8,9-12
- 1995/40/1,3,7-9
- 1997/42/3
- 1998/43/1,2,12
Cardiology Letters
- 2017/26/4,6
Causa Subita
- 1998/1/1-2x,2-2x,3,4
- 2000/3/5-9
- 2006/9/1-6
- 2009/12/4-5
- 2010/13/1
- 2013/16/1,2,4,5
- 2017/20/1,3-4
- 2018/21/2-4
- 1986/46/1-4,6
- 1987/48/1,2,4
- 1987/49/3-6
- 1995/80/6
- 1995/81/4,6
- 1995/82/4
- 2004/116/3,4
- 2011/144/1-2,4
Cell and Tissue Research
- 1992/270/1
Cell-Stem Cell
- 2007/1/4-6
Central European Journal of Public Health/cz/
- 2002/10/1,2
- 2004/12/4
- 2009/17/1
- 2017/25/1, Suppl. 1
Central European Journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- 1995/1/1,4
- 1996/2/1-4
- 1997/3/3
- 1998/4/2
- 1999/5/3-4
- 2002/8/4
- 2003/9/4
- 2004/10/1,3-4
- 2008/118/25
- 2010/121/5-25
Circulation /cz/
- 2003/2/4
Circulation Research
- 2010/106/3-12
Circulatory Shock
- 1991/34/1,3
- 1992/37/1
- 1992/38/2
- 1993/41/4
- 1994/36/9,10
- 1996/38/7
Cleveland Clinics Journal of Medicine
- 1990/57/4,5,6
- 2003/6/4
- 2006/9/1-6
- 2009/12/5-6
- 2010/13/1-5
- 2012/15/1,3
- 2013/16/2,3
Clinica Chimica Acta
- 2006/365/1-2
Clinical Cancer Research
- 2005/11/14-24
- 2006/12/3/Part.2
Clinical Cardiology Alert /CZ/
- 2002/2/7
- 2010/4/5
Clinical Colorectal Cancer
- 2004/3/1-3,5-6
- 2006/07/6/suppl. 1
- 2010/9/2-4
Clinical and Diagnostic Virology
- 1993/1/2,4
Clinical and Experimental Allergy
- 1991/21
Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
- 2009/23/2-4
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- 2010/8/1-6,8-12
- 2012/10/1-7,9-12
- 2013/11/4-10,12
- 2014/12/1,9
- 2015/13/4
- 2016/14/8,12
Clinical Genetics
- 1991/40/5
- 1998/53/3-6
- 1998/54/1-6
Clinical Immunology
- 2004/110/3
- 2009/130/3
Clinical Infectious Diseases
- 2010/50/7-12
- 2011/52/1-3,5-12
Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology
- 1992/63/1
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
- 2006/1/2-5
- 2007/2/1
- 2008/3/2-6
- 2010/5/1-3,5-9,11-12
- 2011/6/2,5-10,12
Clinical Kidney Journal
- 2012/5/5-6
Clinical Medicine
- 2004/4/2,3
Clinical & Experimental Allergy
- 2010/40/3-12
Clinical & Experimental Allergy Reviews
- 2007/7/2-5
- 2008/8/3-5
Clinical and Investigative Medicine
- 1996/19/2-6
Clinical laboratory
- 2010/56/7-12
Clinical Lung Cancer
- 2010/11/3-6
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
- 2003/9/3,7
- 2004/10/5,12
- 2005/11/2-4,9
- 2008/14/12
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
- 2003/105/4
- 2009/11/3-10
Clinical Neuropathology
- 1982/1/2-4
- 1988/7/1,3
- 1989/8/2,6
- 1992/11/4
- 2003/22/4,5,6
Clinical Neurophysiology
- 2009/120/3-12
Clinical Nutrition
- 1994/13/1-3,5-6
- 1995/14/6
- 1996/154/5-6
- 2009/28/1-4,6-12
Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 1990/33/2,4
- 1993/36/2-4
- 2010/53/2-4
Clinical Osteology
- 2018/23/3,4
Clinical Pediatrics
- 1977/16/1-6
- 1991/30/9
Clinical Radiology
- 1990/42/4
- 2009/64/3-12
- 2012/67/1-2,4-12
Clinical Rehabilitation
- 1997/11/1-3
- 2001/15/4
Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs
- 1997/14/3,4
Clinical Toxicology
- 2008/46/10
- 2009/47/7-10
Clinics in Dermatology
- 1983/1/3,4
- 1984/2/3
- 1985/3/4
- 1986/4/1,2,3
- 1987/5/2,3
- 1988/6/1,4
- 1989/7/3
- 1996/14/2-6
- 1997/15/3-6
- 2005/173/1
- 2006/174/8-12
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
- 1994/59/1-4
- 1995/60/5-12
Colorectal Disease
- 2005/20/1
Colorectal News
- 2018/7/1
Computers and Biomedical Research
- 1998/31/3-6
Concours Médical
- 1993/suppl.2,12,33
Contemporary Pediatrics
- 1990/7/12
- 1991/8/9
- 1994/11/7
- 1996/13/12
- 1997/14/4
- 1998/15/10-12
- 2001/7/1-3/Part.A
- 2006/12/1-2
- 2008/14/4
- 2009/15/2
- 2012/18/1-4
- 2013/19/1-3,5-6
- 2014/20/1-3,5-6
- 1996/54/3
- 2003/68/3
- 2004/69/3,6
- 2004/70/1
- 2009/79/4-6
- 2006/3/1
- 2012/9/1
Cor et Vasa
- 1993/35/5
- 1996/38/6
- 2001/43/supl.
- 2006/48/2,6,11-12
- 2009/51/7,8
- 2010/52/7,8
- 2011/53/1-5,8-12
- 2014/56/1,5-6
Corpus et Psyché
- 2015/6/3
Critical Care Medicine
- 1991/19/4-12
- 2010/38/2-12
Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology
- 2009/69/3
Croix-Rouge Croissant-Rouge
- 2004/2004/č.4
- 2009/2009/3
- 2011/2011/3
Current Medical Literature – Kolorektální karcinom
- 2002/1/2-2x
Current Medical Literature – Oftalmologie
- 2002/2/1-2x,3-2x
Current Medical Literature -Rakovina prsu
- 2002/3/2
- 2006/7/2,3
Current Medical Research and Opinion
- 2006/22/2,3,7
Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- 2005/5/1-2
- 2008/8/1
- 2011/11/5-6
- 2018/15/3
Current Opinion in Cardiology
- 2007/22/1
- 2011/26/3
- 2012/27/3,6
Current Opinion in Cardiology /cz/
- 2018/11/4
Current Opinion in Critical Care
- 2010/16/5,6
- 2011/17/5,6
Current Opinion in Critical Care
- 2010/4/2
Current Opinion in Gastroenterology
- 2000/16/3
- 2001/17/6
- 2004/20/2,6
Current Opinion in Hematology
- 2008/15/1-5
- 2009/16/6
- 2018/6/2
Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases
- 2010/23/2-5
- 2012/25/6
Current Opinion in Immunology
- 1993/5/4
- 1994/6/1
- 1995/7/4
Current Opinion in Lipidology
- 1990/1/1
- 1991/2/5,6
- 1992/3/4-6
- 1993/4/4-6
- 2010/21/5-6
- 2011/22/2,5-6
Current opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension
- 2011/20/6
Current Opinion in Oncology
- 2007/19/1
- 2011/23/3,6
Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine
- 2005/11/1-3
- 2006/12/1-3
- 2010/16/1
- 2011/17/1,3,6
Current Problems in Cardiology
- 2010/35/4-12
Current Problems in Surgery
- 1974/11/2-3
- 1975/12/2
- 1979/16/1-2,10-12
- 1980/17/3
- 1981/18/1-3,6
- 1982/19/8
- 1984/21/7
- 1985/22/3
- 1986/23/1
- 1987/24/1-2
- 1991/28/5-7,9-12
- 1997/34/3-12
- 2007/44/4-12
Current Therapeutic Research
- 1960/2/1-7
- 1997/58/3-12
- 1991/48/3
- 1994/53/1,3,6
- 1999/64/2,6
- 1997/27/1
- 1997/28/1-3
- 1997/30/1-3
- 1998/31/1
- 1998/32/1
- 1998/33/1,3-4
- 1999/34/1-4
- 1999/36/3-4
Cytometry /Part A/
- 2004/58A/1
- 2004/60A/1
- 2005/63A/2
- 2007/71A/4-12
Cytometry /Part B/ /Clinical Cytometry/
- 2004/60B/1
- 2006/70B/4
Czechoslovak Medicine
- 1978/1
Časopipis české lékařské komory
Časopis české stomatologické komory LKS
- 2009/19/1-5,7-12
- 2013/23/1-3,5-12
- 2014/24/1-2,9-10,12
- 2016/26/1-5,7-12
- 2017/27/2-3,5-6,9-12
Časopis českých lékárníků
- 2009/81/3-9
- 2012/84/12
- 2017/89/1-12
- 2018/90/1-2,5-9,11-12
Časopis pre homeopatiu
- 1994/2
Časopis lékařů českých
- 1964/103/IV.část
- 1968/107/IV.část2004/143/7-10,12
Časopis společnosti instrumentářek
- 2000/č.1,3
Česká a slovenská hygiena
- 2005/2/4
Česká dermato-venerologie
- 2013/3/4
- 2014/4/1
Česká diabetologie
- 2018/1/1-3
Česká kinantropologie
- 2005/9/2
- 2006/10/1
Česká kontaktologie
- 1994/1/5
- 1995/2/1
Česká oční optika
- 1996/37/3
- 2000/41/2
- 2013/54/1-3
- 2014/55/3
Česká radiologie
- 2011/65/1,2,4
- 2013/67/1,2
- 2015/69/3-4
Česká revmatologie
- 1998/6/1
- 2010/18/3
Česká urologie
- 1999/3/3,4
- 2009/13/4
- 2010/14/2-3
České pracovní lékařství
- 2004/5/1,2
- 2005/6/1
- 2009/10/1
Československá defektologie
- 1968/2
- 1970/4
Česko-slovenská dermatologie
- 2015/90/6
Československá fysiologie
- 1961/10
Československá fyziologie
- 1991/40/4-6
- 1992/41/1,2
- 2013/62/1
Československá gastroenterologie a výživa
- 1970/24
- 1977/31
Československá neurologie
- 1991/54/3
Československá oftalmologie
- 1967/23
Československá pediatrie
- 1961/16/1-6
- 1981/36/I.část
Česko-slovenská pediatrie
- 1993/48/1,2,9,12
Československá psychiatrie
- 1966/62
Československá psychologie
- 1997/41/6
- 2009/53/1-5
- 2018/62/1,3-4
Československé zdravotnictví
- 1967/15/II.část
Český pacient
- 2006/č.6-12
- 2014/66/1-4
Dakar Medical Bulletin de la Sosiete Medicale d Afrique de langue
- 1980/25/No.spéc.
- 1993/35/4
- 1994/36/2
Dentální trh
- 1998/1/2
Dental Care
- 2016/č.1-2,5
Dental tribune
- 2011/7/1
Dent – tax
- 1997/17/2
- 1998/18/2-4
Depression and Anxiety
- 2009/26/3-12
Derma 3.tisícročia
- 2001/I/1,3,4
- 2002/2/1
- 2004/4/4
- 2008/8/2,3,4
Dermatologic Clinic
- 1984/2/3
- 1993/11/2-4
Dermatologic Surgery
- 2010/36/2-12
- 2007/1/1-4
Detský lekár
- 1994/1/2
- 1996/3/3
- 2006/13/4
Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung
- 1961/11/Das Aktuelle
- 1976/28/Beitrage zur Geschichte…
- 1963/9/Praktikantenbriefe
- 1992/132/1,3
- 1995/135/7
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
- 2009/134/1-9,12,13,suppl.1,7,9,10
- 2010/135/6-35,37-52
Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt
- 1991/100/3
Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift
- 1993/48/12
- 1994/49/1,2
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin
- 1996/47/3
- 1997/48/11,12
Deutsches Ärzteblatt
- 1994/91/40,47
- 1999/96/49
- 2000/97/31-32
- 2004/101/38
- 2008/105/18
- 2014/111/9,25
- 2015/112/25
Developmental Dynamics
- 2009/238/4-12
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
- 1992/34/8,10,11
- 1993/35/3
- 2004/46/suppl.99
- 2010/52/3-12
- 2009/18/2
Děti a my
- 1987/17/2
- 1989/19/1
Dětský sluch
- 2015/č.4
- 1992/41/1-3,5
- 2009/58/5
- 2011/60/1
- 2015/64/4
Diabetes a obezita /SK/
- 2005/5/10
Diabetes Care
- 1991/14/1-11
- 1992/15/1,12
- 1994/17/4,9
- 1995/18/2-12
- 2000/23/1-6
Diabetes Care /cz/
- 2011/1/1-3
- 2013/3/3
- 2014/4/1-3
- 2015/5/1
Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews
- 2009/25/3-8
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
- 1992/17/2,3
- 1992-1993
- 2009/83/3
- 2003/2/6
- 2007/6/1,5
- 2008/7/9,12
- 2003/1/2,4,6
- 2010/53/3,9-12
- 2011/54/1-6
- 2012/55/3,11
- 2013/56/2-12
- 2010/1/1
- 2011/2/1
Diabetologie, metabolismus, endokrinologie, výživa
- 2005/8/1
- 2006/9/suppl.2
- 2008/11/suppl. 1
- 2010/13/4
Diabetology News /cz/
- 2014/5/1-2
- 2015/6/1,3
- 2017/8/1,3
- 2018/9/1-2
Diagnostika a terapie poruch komunikace
- 1999/2/3
- 2005/8/2,3,4
Diagnoza – (Bratislava)
- 1995/1-3
- 1999/2/21
- 2000/3/31
Diagnóza pro zdraví
- 2009/4/1-4
Diagnóza v ošetřovatelství
- 2006/2/1-3
- 2007/3/5
- 2008/4/9
- 2009/5/9
- 2010/6/3-4
- 2011/7/6
- 2013/9/1,2,4
- 2008/č.47-49
- 2009/č.51-54
- 2011/č.58-60
- 2012/č.61-62
- 2013/č.63-64
Dia listy
- 2004/-/1-2
Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine
- 2006/11/3,4
- 2007/12/2,3
- 2009/14/3-4
Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience
- 2001/3/1-2,4
- 2003/5/4
- 2004/6/1
- 2005/7/2-4
Dia život
- 1995/-/1-6
Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine
- 1997/2/1,3-4
- 2004/9/2
- 2006/11/3-4
- 2007/12/2-3
- 2009/14/3-4
Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience
- 2001/3/1-2,4
- 2003/5/4
- 2004/6/1
- 2005/7/2-4
- 2012/9/2,5-8,11-12
- 2013/10/12
Digestive Diseases and Sciences
- 1995/40/12
Digest of Neurology and Psychiary
- 1974/XLII/November
- 1976/XLIV/December
- 1981/XLIX/April-July
- 1982/L/April
- 1984/LII/January,March
- 1993/61/Spring
- 1994/62/Summer
- 1998/44/3
- 2000/46/5
- 2006/52/4-12
Disease Management
- 1999/2/5,6
Disease Managenent and Clinical Outcomes
- 1997/1/5,6
Disease Markers
- 1992/10/5,6
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum
- 2010/53/2-12
DNA Repair
- 2009/8/3-12
Doodys Health Science Book Review Journal
- 1998/6/2-6
Dr Paleček
- 2006/2006/3,4
Drug and Alcohol Review
- 2010/29/2-6
- 1997/54/4
- 2005/65/3
Drug target review
- 2015/2/2-4
Early Human Development
- 1996/44/2,3
- 1997/47/3,4
EAU-EBU Update Series
- 2006/4/1,3-6
- 2007/5/1,2
- 2008/3/1-2,4
- 2013/8/1,3-4
- 2014/9/2-4
- 2015/10/3-4
- 2016/11/2
- 2017/12/1-3
Efeta-otvor sa
- 1995/5/1-3
Effective Health Care
- 1998/4/1-5
- 1999/5/2
- 2000/6/5
EIA – Posuzování vlivů na životní prostředí
- 1997/2/1,2
- 1999/4/1,2,3,4
- 2000/7/1
- 2001/6/1,2,3,4
- 2002/7/1
- 2006/11/3
Ekonomie ve zdravotnictví
- 2017/3/1-3
- 2018/4/3-4
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology
- 1990/75/2-6
- 2005/7/11
- 2008/10/3-12
Emerging Infectious Diseases
- 1995/1/1,2,4
- 1996/2/1
- 1999/5/1,2
- 2000/6/1
- 2003/9/6,10
- 2004/10/1-6,12
- 2005/11/1,3,4,7-10,12
- 2006/12/1,2,4-12
- 2007/13/1-4
- 2012/18/9-10,12
- 2013/19/6,8,11
Endocrine-Related Cancer
- 2004/11/1
Endocrine Regulations
- 1991/25/3,2
- 2005/39/4
- 2007/41/4
Endocrine Reviews
- 1995/16/3
- 2011/32/2-6
- 2008/149/3
- 2010/151/5-12
Endoscopic Surgery and Allied Technology
- 1993/1
- 1995/3/5,6
Endoskopie heute
- 1997/10/1
- 1998/11/4
- 2010/23/4
- 1996/28/9
- 2010/42/2-12
Entre Nous
- 2010/2010/70
- 2011/2011/71-72
- 2012/2012/75-76
- 2013/2013/77
Environmental Health Perspectives
- 1993/101/1-5
- 1994/102/2,8,9
- 2003/111/13
- 2004/12/3,4
- 2005/113/7,9
- 2010/118/6
- 2011/119/5
Environmental Science and Pollution Research International
- 2005/12/3
- 2006/13/3-4
- 2007/14/2-4
- 2008/15/2-3
Epilepsy and Behavior
- 2001/2/4
- 2002/3/2-6
Epilepsy Research
- 2012/98/1-3
- 2012/101/1-2
Epidemiologic Reviews
- 2001/23/2
- 2008/167/1-5
- 2008/168/2-6
- 1990/31/1-4,6
- 1991/32/1-6
- 1992/33/1-4,6
- 1993/34/1-2,6
- 1994/35/1
- 1995/36/2-12
- 1996/37/1-7,9-12
- 1996/2/2-4
- 1998/4/1-3
- 2002/8/1-2,5
- 2003-04/9/2
- 2006/12/2-4
- 2008/14/2-4
- 2012/18/2-4
European Bulletin on Environment and Health
- 1995/3/1,2
European Cytokine Network
- 2006/17/2,3,4
European Heart Journal
- 1981/2/1-3,5-6
- 2003/24/5
European Hospital
- 1997/č.1,2,5-8
- 1998/č.4,5,7,8
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
- 1997/6/1
European Journal of Applied Physiology
- 2004/05 /93/1-2
European Journal of Biochemistry
- 1991/197/2
- 1991/199/1,2
European Journal of Cancer
- 1994/30A/9
- 2009/45/4-12
European Journal of Cancer Prevention
- 1998/7/3-6
European Journal of Clinical Investigation
- 1991/21/2,3,5
- 1997/27/4
European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care
- 1997/2/1-2
- 1998/3/2
- 1999/4/4
- 2000/5/1
- 2002/7/1-2
- 2003/8/3
European Journal of Emergency Medicine
- 1996/3/1,2
- 1997/4/3,4
European Journal of Endocrinology
- 1990/123/suppl.4
European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology
- 1997/18/1-3,5-6
- 2002/23/6
European Journal of Human Genetics
- 1994/2/3
- 1996/4/3,5
- 1997/5/3
- 2000/8/1-7
- 2001/9/7
- 2005/13/6,12
- 2006/14/1-3,5-6,8-9
European Journal of Immunology
- 1994/24/1
- 2009/39/3-12
European Journal of Neurology
- 1994/1/3
- 1995/2/1-3,5-6
- 1996/3/2-3,4-5
- 1997/4/1-6
- 1998/5/1-6
- 1999/6/1,4-6
- 2002/9/1-3,5-6
European Journal of Neuroscience
- 2010/31/3-12
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine
- 1981/6/1,3-12
- 1985/11/1-5,8-12
- 1986/1987/12/1-10,12
- 1987/1988/13/1-12
- 1988/14/1-2,4-12
- 1989/15/1-12
- 1990/17/1-8
- 1991/18/1,4
- 1994/21/3
- 2018/45/10
European Journal of Orthodontics
- 2011/33/5-6
European Journal of Pain
- 2002/6/6
- 2010/14/3-10
European Journal of Pediatrics
- 1990/149/suppl.1
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 1996/4/1
European Journal of Public Health
- 1993/3/3,4
- 1994/4/3,4
- 1995/5/1,2,4
- 1996/6/1,2,4
- 1997/7/3,4
- 1998/8/3
- 1999/9/2,4
- 2000/10/1
- 2004/14/4
- 2006/16/2
- 2007/17/1,4
- 2009/19/3,5
- 2010/20/1-2,6
- 2011/21/1-2
European Journal of Radiology
- 2009/69/3
European Journal of Surgery
- 1990/156/suppl.554
- 1994/160/12
- 1995/161/3-8
- 1996/162/5
European Journal of Surgical Oncology
- 2005/31/3
- 2006/32/4,8
- 2007/33/4,7
European Pharmaceutical Review
- 2005/10/1
- 2006/11/2
- 2009/14/2-3
- 2010/15/2
- 2013/18/5
European Radiology
- 1992/2/1
- 2001/11/10
- 2003/13/12
- 2004/14/4-12
- 2008/18/2-12
European Respiratory Journal
- 2002/20/suppl.38
- 2007/30/5-6
- 2008/31/1-5
- 2008/32/2
- 2009/33/2,5-6
- 2009/34/1-4,6
European Respiratory Monograph
- 1995/1/3
- 1997/2/4,6
- 1998/3/7,8,9
- 1999/4/10,11
- 2005/10/33
- 2006/11/35
- 2007/12/41,42
European Respiratory Review
- 1993/3/15
- 1995/5/25,31
- 1996/6/39
- 1997/7/41-43
- 1998/8/54-55,57-64
- 1999/9/65
- 2000/10/70,72-74
- 2005/14/95-96
- 2006/15/99
- 2007/16/106
- 2008/17/109-110
European Spine Journal
- 2000/9/3-4
European Urology
- 1999/35/1,5-6
- 1999/36/1-6
- 2000/37/1-2,4-6
- 2000/38/1-6
- 2006/50/2-6
- 2007/51/6
- 2009/56/3-4
European Urology Supplements
- 2009/8/Suppl.7-13
- 2006/16/3-4
Evidence-Based Dentistry
- 2002/3/2
- 2004/5/1,3
- 2005/6/2,3
- 2006/7/1-2
Evidence-Based Medicine
- 2007/12/2-6
Excerpta Medica. International Congress Series
- 1969/176
- 1969/185
- 1989/904
- 1970/208
- 1975/344
Excerpta Medica – section 46
- 1998/36/7
- 1996/52/12
Experimental Biology and Medicine
- 2006/231/3,4,6-11
- 2008/233/3-12
Experimental and Clinical Cardiology
- 1996/1/3
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes
- 1998/106/6
- 2013/121/1-6,8,10-12
- 2015/123/2
Experimental and Molecular Pathology
- 2004/76/2,3
Experimental Brain Research
- 1992/88/1
- 2004/158/4
- 2004/159/1-4
Experimental Cell Research
- 2004/296/2
- 2004/298/2
- 2004/301/2
- 2009/315/3-12
Experimental Dermatology
- 1992/1/2-5
Experimental Eye Research
- 1990/50/2,3,4,6
- 1997/64/3-12
Experimental Gerontology
- 1996/31/3-6
Experimental Physiology
- 2009/94/11-12
Expeperimentalnaja chirurgija i anaesteziologija
- 1962/7
Extra elixír
- 2003/5/8
Eye. Ear. Nose and throat Monthly
- 1961/40
Facultas Nostra
- 2013/č.126-133,136-137
Faculty Dental Journal
- 2010/1/1-2,4
- 2013/4/3-4
Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň
- 2018/září-říjen
Faktory pro život
- 2018/6/4
Family Physician
- 1993/21/2
Family Practice
- 2007/24/2-6
- 1998/3/2-6
Farmaceutický obzor
- 1994/63/11,12
- 2002/71/5,6,9,10
- 1993/42/1
- 1995/44/4
- 1998/47/5
Farmakoterapeutické informace
- 1996/1/1,3
- 1997/2/11
- 1999/1999/1-2
- 2009/2009/4,9
- 2012/2012/12
- 2013/2013/6
- 2015/2015/11
- 2017/2017/6,9,11
- 2019/2019/6
Farmakoterapeutické zprávy
- 1963/suppl.2
- 2010/6/6
- 2013/9/4-5
- 2014/10/3,5
- 2015/11/3-6
- 2016/12/2,4,6
- 2017/13/2-6
Farmakoterapie review
- 2014/4/1-11,13-23,25
- 2015/5/1-6,8-11,13-19
- 2016/6/1,3-8,10-14
- 2017/7/1-6,8-9,11-22
- 2018/8/1-6,8-13
Farmi News
- 2003/4/4
- 2005/6/2,3,4
- 2010/8/1-3
- 2011/9/2
- 2012/10/3
Faseb Journal
- 2002/16/2,3
- 2004/18/7
FDI World
- 1995/4/6
- 1996/5/3
- 1998/7/1
- 2000/9/4,6
Federation Proceedings
- 1963/22
Fertility and Sterility
- 2004/81/6
- 2004/82/1
- 2010/13/4-6
Fit pro život
- 2007/13/7
Fiziologičeskij žurnal SSSR
- 1961/47
Fiziologičnij žurnal
- 2006/52/6
- 2008/54/4-6
- 2009/56/3
- 2016/62/6
- 2017/63/5-6
- 2010/VI/7-8
- 2013/IX/4-8
- 2014/X/3-4,7-8,12
- 2015/XI/1-2
- 2016/XII/4,11
- 2017/XIII/3-12
Folia biologica
- 2013/59/3
- 2014/60/3-4,6
Folia Gastroenterologica et Hepatologica
- 2004/2/1-2
Folia histochemica et cytobiologica
- 1998/36/4
- 1999/37/2-4
Folia Medica Lodziensia
- 1973/19
- 1973/20
Folia microbiologica
- 2009/54/1-3,5
- 2010/55/4,6
Folia parazitologica
- 1994/41/4
- 2014/61/5-6
- 2000/4/1,3
- 2003/7/1
- 2005/9/1
- 2006/10/2
- 1991/1/1-4
- 1992/2/1-4
- 1993/3/1-4
- 1994/4/1
- 1995/5/1-4
- 1996/6/4
Fontána esotera
- 2005/2/2-12
Forensic Science International
- 1994/70/1-3
Fortschritte der Medizin
- 1998/116/26
Forum Diabetologicum
- 2017/6/1-2
Forum Medicinae
- 2000/2/5-6
Der Frauenarzt
- 1994/35/7,12
- 1995/36/6
- 1999/40/11
- 2000/41/7-12
Free Radical Biology and Medicine
- 1995/18/5
- 1998/24/ 4,5,6
Frontline gastroenterology
- 2010/1/1,4
Developmental Morphology and Functional (Prague)
- 1994/4/3
Fyziatrický věstník
- 1975/53
- 1976/54
- 1977/55
Gastroenterológia pre prax
- 2006/5/1
- 2008/7/4
- 2011/10/1-2,4
Gastroenterologica et Hepatologica
- 2006/4/3,4
Gastroenterological Endoscopy
- 2010/52/4,6-8
Gastroentérologie clinique et biologique
- 1995/19/4,6,7-12,Journeés 2
- 1992/103/3-6
- 2004/127/1
- 2010/138/4-6
- 2012/143/1-4,6
- 2013/144/2,4,6
- 2013/145/1-3,5
- 2017/152/4-12
Gastroenterology International
- 1992/5/2
Gastrointestinal Endoskopy
- 2004/59/4
- 2009/69/5-6
- 2010/71/4-6
Gematologija i transfuziologija
- 1993/38/1,2,10,11,12
- 1996/41/4,5
- 1998/43/5
Gene Therapy
- 2009/16/6-20
Genes and Development
- 1989/3/11,12
- 1990/
- 2004/18/22
- 2009/23/22
- 2011/25/1-23
- 2004/84/6
- 2009/93/4-6
- 1993/48/12
- 1994/49/9
- 1997/52/Suppl.1
- 2000/55/4
- 2003/58/3,4
- 2004/59/2,7
- 2006/61/8-12
Gerontologické aktuality
- 2000/č.1,2,3
- 2003/č.2,4
- 2004/č.1-2
The Gerontologist
- 2003/43/5,6
- 2004/44/1-3
- 2006/46/2-6
- 2000/46/1
Gigijena i sanitarija
- 1993/1,2
- 1998/22/4
- 2000/29/5
- 2001/30/2
Gružlica Tuberculosis. Gružlica i Choroby pluc
- 1962/dodatka
- 2012/61/11-12
- 2015/64/1-10,12
- 1992/1/1-5
- 2005/14/2-4,6
Gynekológia pre prax
- 2011/9/1-2,4
- 2016/101/1-9,11-12
- 2017/102/1-8
Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie
- 1990/22/3
- 1992/24/2
- 2008/40/5
- 2010/42/5,6
Hastings Center Report
- 2002/32/5,6
- 2014/65/1-4,6-12
Head & Neck Cancer News
- 2018/3/1
Health Affairs
- 2013/32/1,7,9
- 2014/33/12
Health Education Research
- 2007/22/2-6
Health Care in Transition
- 1997/1/1,2
Health Promotion International
- 2000/15/2
- 2006/21/2
Health Services Management Research
- 2005/18/1-3
Health Trends
- 1994/26/1,2
- 1996/28/2-4
- 1997-1998/29/1-3
- 1998/30/2-4
- 2007/93/3-12
- 2008/94/1-12
- 2009/95/1-14,16-24
- 2010/96/1-24
- 2011/97/1-24
- 2012/98/3,5-24
Helios /stomici/
- 2012/č4-6
Helios /poruchy vyprazdňování moč. měchýře/
- 2013/č.2
- 2014/č.3
- 2015/č.4
- 1986/23/2,3
- 1987/24/1
- 1988/25/1
- 1989/26/1,2,3
- 1991/28/1
- 1992/29/2-4
- 1993/30
- 1994/31
Helvetica Chirurgica Acta
- 1961/28
Helvetica Paediatrica Acta
- 1970/suppl.22
Hematology and Cell Therapy
- 1999/41/6
Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America
- 1998/12/1-3,5-6
- 1999/13/2-3,6
- 2000/14/1-6
Hemofilický zpravodaj
- 2000/č.2
- 2013/č.21
- 2010/51/3-4
Histochemical Journal
- 1991/23
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
- 1995/103/1
- 1997/31/4
HNO Aktuell
- 2005/13/5-12
HNO Highlights
- 1996/6/1
- 1999/9/5-8
Homeopatický bulletin
- 2002/-/3
- 2004/-/1,3
Homoepathic Links /cz/
- 1995/1/1,4
- 2004/sv.40
Hormone and Metabolic Research
- 1998/30/1-9,11,12
Hormone Research
- 1993/39/1-2
- 1994/41/1
- 1999/52/1
- 2008/7/1
- 2011/10/1
- 2013/12/3-4
- 2014/13/1-2
Hospital and Community Psychiatry
- 1993/44/1-10
- 1994/45/8,9,10,12
Hospital in
- 2015/č.3-4
- 2017/č.5-8,11-12
Hospital Update
- 1993/19/2
- 1994/20/3
- 1995/21/5,6,10,11,12
- 1996/22/1,2,8-12
Hubneme s rozumem
- 2004/2004/1
Human & Experimental Toxicology
- 2010/29/1,3-12
Human Immunology
- 2004/65/5,6
- 2010/71/3-12
Human Molecular Genetics
- 1993/2/1-3,5-12
Human Mutation
- 1994/3/1
Humam Pathology
- 2004/35/4-12
- 2010/41/4-12
- 2006/51/1,3-4
- 2018/63/1-3
- 1987/9/6/Part.1
- 1992/20/1,3
- 1993/21/1,6 part 2
- 1993/22/2,4
- 2010/55/2-6
Hypertension in Pregnancy
- 2009/28/3-4
- 2005/VIII/1
- 2009/XII/1
Hypertenze & kardiovaskulární prevence
- 2012/1/2-3
- 2015/4/1-2
- 2016/5/1
Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin
- 2009/57/3
- 2011/59/4-12
- 2007/132/2
- 2009/135/6
Chinese Medical Journal
- 1993/106/12
- 1994/107/9-12
Der Chirurg BDC
- 2006/45/1
- 1997/č.10-12
- 1997/26/3
Iatrike Techne
- 2003/č.7-8
Image Analysis and Stereology
- 2003/22/3
- 2008/28/2-6
- 1993/189
- 1998/6/2-6
Immunology & Cell Biology
- 2008/86/7
Immuno-oncotherapy News
- 2015/1/1
- 2018/4/1
- 1965/9/II.část
- 1991/74/4
Imunologický zpravodaj
- 1993/8/2,3
- 1997/12/1,2
Index Medicus Danicus
- 1966-69
- 1970-71
Industrial Medicine and Surgerz
- 1970/39/I.část
Infection and Immunity
- 1981/31/II.část
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
- 2012/18/1-8,10-12
- 2013/19/3,5-7,9-11
- 2014/20/1,7
- 2015/21/6
- 2016/22/7-8,11
Infolisty KZ
- 2016/č.2,4-12
- 2017/1-4,7,9-11
InfoPOEMs of Gastroenterologist
- 2007/Februar,April,June,August,December
- 2008/Februar, April
INFO zpravodaj
- 1997/5/1,2,4
- 2000/9/4
- 2001/10/1
- 2002/11/2
Informace pro lékařské praxe
- 2003/č.1
- 2010/č.1,4-6
Informační zprávy Čsl.urologické společnosti J.E.Purkyně
- 1973/16/1-3
- 1964/17/1,2
Infusion Therapy Transfusion Medicine
- 2000/27/1
Instrumentářka, Inštrumentárka
- 1994/1/2,3,4
- 1997/4/2
- 2000/č.1-4
Interná medicína
- 2006/6/2,3
- 2008/8/11,12
- 2014/14/11-12
Internal Medicine
- 1992/31/12
- 1993/32/2
International Disability Studies
- 1990/12/4
International Family Planning Perspectives
- 2004/30/1,2,4
- 2005/31/1,4
- 2006/32/4
International Hospital Equipment
- 1990/16/10,11
- 1991/17/1,2,4,5,6,7,10
- 1992/18/3,12
- 1993/19/11
- 1994/20/3-12
International Immunopharmacology
- 2006/6/13,14
International Journal of Aging & Human Development
- 2003/57/1
- 2004/59/2-4
- 2004/60/1-4
International Journal of Bihavioral Medicine
- 2006/13/2-4
International Journal of Biomedical Computing
- 1991/28/1,2
International Journal of Cancer
- 1990/46/5
- 2000/86/2
- 2009/124/8-12
International Journal of Celiac Disease
- 2015/3/2-4
International Journal of Clinical Practice
- 1998/52/3,4,5,7,8
- 1999/53/1,3-5,7,8
International Journal of Dermatology
- 1989/28/1,4,5
- 1990/29/7,8
- 1991/30/1,5
- 1992/31/1-4,7-9,12
- 1993/32/2,6-12
- 1997/36/3
International Journal of Epidemiology
- 1993/22/suppl.2
- 1998/27/1-5
- 2002/31/1-3
- 2006/35/2-6
International Journal of Experimental Pathology
- 1991/72/3,5,6
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
- 2009/105/2
- 2009/106/2-3
International Journal of Immunotherapy
- 1994/10/3
- 1997/13/1-4
International Journal of Impotence Research
- 2000/12/1
International Journal of Medical Informatics
- 2009/78/11
- 2010/79/9,11-12
- 2011/80/1-8,10-12
International Journal of Neuroradiology
- 1998/4/2-6
International Journal of Obesity
- 1996/20/4-12
International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia
- 1996/5/1-2
- 2004/13/2,3,4
International Journal of Oncology
- 2000/17/2-6
- 2002/21/2,6
- 2003/22/2-4
- 2003/23/6
- 2004/24/1,2,4,5
- 2004/25/1,3,5,6
- 2005/26/5
- 2005/27/2,5
- 2006/28/1,3
- 2006/29/3,5,6
- 2007/30/1-6
- 2007/31/1,3,5,6
- 2008/32/1-6
- 2008/33/1-6
- 2009/35/6
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- 1991/20
- 1992/21/1,2,4-6
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
- 1984/85/8/3
- 2000/52/2,3
The International Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psycology and Medicine
- 1995/7/1-3
- 1998/10/2
- 2001/13/3-4
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology – Physics
- 1975/1/3-12
- 1996/36/4
- 2001/49/4
- 2001/51/1
- 2004/58/5
- 2004/59/4,5
International Journal of Sports Medicine
- 1990/11/1,3-6
International Journal of STD and AIDS
- 2004/15/8
- 2013/24/3-12
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
- 2003/19/4
International Ophthalmology
- 1998/22/2,4-6
International Pharmaceutical Abstracts
- 1997/34/20,22,23
- 2003/40/1,2,3,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,14
- 2004/41/1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,11,12,13,21
- 2005/42/8,14-24
International Review of Neurobiology
- 1964/6
International Tinnitus Journal
- 1997/3/1
- 2001/7/2
International Urology and Nephrology
- 1992/24/6
- 2000-01/32/3
- 2001/33/1,4
- 1997/č.
Interní medicína pro praxi
- 2015/17/1-2
Internistische Praxis
- 1990/30/3
- 1998/38/1
Investigative Radiology
- 1992/27/12
- IOVS-Investigative…
- 1985/26/1,2,3,6,10
- 1987/28/1
- 1988/29/2,3,4,11,12
- 1993/34/4-8,11,12
- 1996/37/3Abstr.
- 1997/38/4Abstr.
- 1998/39/4Abstr.,12
- 1999/40/6-13
- 2000/41/4,6-12
Interventional Neuroradiology
- 1996/2/2
- 1998/4/1,4
- 1999/5/1,4
Investigative Radiology
- 2010/45/2-12
IPPF Medical Bulletin
- 2007/41/2
- 2008/42/2
- 2010/44/4
Irish Journal of Medical Science
- 1998/167/1,3
Israel Journal of Medical Sciences
- 1987/23/3,9,10,12
- 1988/24/1-2,9-11
- 1991/27/3,6
- 1992/28/1,3-4
- 1996/32/2
- 1997/33/5-9
Italian Journal of Gastroenterology
- 1996/28/4,5
- 1997/29/3
- 1998/30/1,2,4,5,6
- 1999/31/1
Izvestija Akademii nauk
- 1997/-/1-4
- 2001/27/1-2,4-5
- 2001/28/1-5
- 2002/29/1-5
- 2002/30/1-5
- 2002/31/1-5
- 2003/33/2
- 2004/35/2-5
- 2004/36/1-5
- 2004/37/1-5
- 2005/38/1-5
- 2005/39/1-5
- 2005/40/1-5
- 2006/41/1-5
- 2006/42/1-5
- 2006/43/1-3,5
- 2007/44/1-5
- 2007/45/1-5
- 2007/46/1-5
- 2008/47/2-5
- 2008/48/1-5
- 2008/49/1-3,5
- 2011/306/10,15-18,21-23
- 2013/309/13-24
- 2005/13/1
JAMA-Dermatology /CZ/
- 2003/3/2,3,4
JAMA Internal Medicine
- 2016/176/3-12
JAMA Neurology
- 2016/43/4-12
JAMA Ophthalmology
- 2014/132/3-12
- 2016/134/5-12
JAMA Pediatrics
- 2016/170/4-12
JAMA Psychiatry
- 2016/73/3-12
JAMA Surgery
- 2014/149/3-12
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Japanese Journal of Pharmacology
- 2000/82/4
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Jóga dnes
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Journal de Gynecologie obstetrique et biologie de la reproduction
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Journal d’urologie
- 1990/96/9,10
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Journal de médecine legale droit medical
- 1992/35/1-3
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Journal de radiologie
- 1999/80/1,4,5,7,8,9
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Journal de Radiologie Diagnostique et Interventionnelle
- 2014/95/6
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Journal des maladies vasculaires
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Journal de physiologie
- 1971/63/Part 1
Journal Neuroimmunology
- 1995/60/1-2
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Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
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Journal of Adhesive Dentistry
- 2010/12/1-2,6
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Journal of Adhesive Dentistry
- 2012/14/2-6
Journal of Adolescent Health
- 1998/22/4
- 1999/24/1-4,6
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Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- 2004/114/1
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- 2015/135/4-12
Journal of Anatomy
- 2010/216/3-6
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
- 1994/33/1-3,5-6
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Journal of Applied Biomedicine /cz/
- 2004/2/4
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Journal of Applied Physiology
- 2004/96/5,6
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Journal of Applied Research
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Journal of Arthroplasty
- 1999/14/1
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Journal of Asthma
- 2005/42/7
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Journal of Audiovisual Media in Medicine
- 2004/27/3
Journal of Bacteriology
- 2000/182/16
- 2002/184/21
- 2005/187/1
Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- 2007/40/1-3,6
Journal of Biomedical Science
- 2000/7/1,3
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics
- 1996/6/2
- 1997/7/4
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- 2007/17/1
- 2009/19/3
- 2010/20/6
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- 2012/22/6
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
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- 1979/61/IV.část A
- 2016/98A/1,8-24
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
- 1990/5/4
- 1991/6/8,12
- 2010/25/3-12
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology
- 1995/121/ suppl. 2
- 2007/133/12
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology
- 1996/7/1
- 2009/20/1-6,8-12
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
- 2000/26/5
- 2006/32/12
- 2010/36/9-12
Journal of Cell Biology
- 1995/131/2,3
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
- 2009/106/5,6
Journal of Cellular Physiology
- 1998/175/2,3
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
- 2006/26/10,11
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Gerontology
- 1990/12/1,2
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
- 1965/25/I.část
- 1994/79/1,2
- 2011/96/4-12
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
- 2003/56/11,12
- 2004/3,4,5,7
- 2009/62/4-12
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
- 1995/21/1
- 1997/25/suppl.1
- 2003/36/2,4,5
- 2003/37/1,4,5
The Journal of Clinical Investigation
- 2006/116/4-12
Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis
- 1998/12/2-6
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
- 1976/4/1
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- 1985/22/4
- 1988/26/1,10
Journal of Clinical Oncology
- 1990/8/12
- 2002/20/17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
- 2008/26/12-35
- 2010/28/7-30,32-36
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Journal of Clinical Pathology
- 1981/34/II.část
- 2007/60/10-12
- 2010/63/3-12
Journal of Clinical Periodontology
- 1990/17/1,6,8-10
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
- 1994/34/1
- 2002/42/8,9,10,11,12
- 2010/50/3-12
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
- 1989/50/1-11
Journal of Clinical Psychology
- 1993/49/2
- 2002/58/9
- 2005/61/8
- 2006/62/11
Journal of Clinical Virology
- 2009/44/3-4
Journal of Community Health
- 2001/26/2
- 2005/30/4-6
Journal of Critical Care
- 1987/2/3
- 1988/3/2-4
- 1989 – 1992
- 2003/18/3,4
- 2004/19/2
- 2007/22/2-4
Journal of Crohn´s and Colitis
- 2012/6/1,5,7-8
- 2015/9/2-12
- 2016/10/1,3-12
Journal of Dental Research
- 2016/95/7-13
Journal of Dentistry for Children
- 1996/63/2-6
Journal of Dermatological Treatment
- 1997/8/4
- 2008/19/1,4
- 2008/20/2-6
Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology
- 1992/18/9-12
Journal of Diabetes and Complications
- 2005/3/1,3
Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- 1986/2/1-4
- 1987/3/4
- 1998/14/2-6
Journal of Electrocardiology
- 1995/28/1
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- 2010/43/1-5
- 2011/44/3,5-6
Journal of Embryology & Experimental Morphology
- 1978/46/1
Journal of Environmental Pathology , Toxicology and Oncology
- 2004/24/1-3
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Heatth
- 2006/6/3-12
Journal of Exceptional People
- 2017/č.11
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research
- 1998/17/3
Journal of Experimental Medicine
- 2003/198/5,7
Journal of Family Practice
- 1997/45/1,3-6
- 2000/49/1-3
Journal of Gastroenterology
- 1996/31/1-5
- 2004/39/9
- 2007/42/7
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
- 1997/1/1-5
- 1999/3/4-6
Journal of General Physiology
- 2003/122/4
Journal of Gerontology
- 1996/51A/5,6
- 1996/51B/3,5,6
Journal of Health Administration Education
- 1991/9/4
- 1997/15/1.2.4
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
- 2004/22/1
- 2007/25/3
Journal of Health Sciences Management and Public Health
- 2007/8/3-4
- 2008/9/3-4
Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation
- 2009/208/9
Journal of Hepatology
- 2009/50/3-6
- 2010/52/1,6
- 2010/53/1
Journal of Heredity
- 1963/54
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry
- 2008/56/2-12
Journal of Human Hypertension
- 1991/5
- 1994/8/5,11,12
- 1995/suppl.3
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines
- 2001/42/3,8
Journal of Child Neurology
- 2010/25/3-12
- 2014/29/3-12
Journal of Children´s News
- 2007/1/2,4-6
- 2008/2/1
- 2009/3/1,3-6
- 2010/4/1-2,4,6
- 2011/5/4-6
Journal of Chiropractic
- 1992/29/1-7
Journal of Chromathography
- 1965/21
Journal of Chromatography A
- 1995/693/2
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Journal of Chromatography B
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- 2008/861/2
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Journal of Immunology
- 1998/160/3
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Journal of Infectious Diseases
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Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease
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- 1984/7/1
- 1994/17/2
Journal of Internal Medicine
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Journal of International Medical Research
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- 2013/41/3-6
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
- 1993/100/3
Journal of Laparoendoscopie and Advanced Surgical Technigues
- 2006/16/1-2
Journal of Leucocyte Biology
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- 2004/76/1
- 2010/87/3-12
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- 1997/7/3-6
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Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
- 2004/27/3
- 2009/32/2-9
Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine
- 1997/6/2-6
Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences
- 1999/46/3,4
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Journal of Medical Genetics
- 1993/30/5
- 2010/47/3-12
Journal of Medical Ethics
- 2006/32/3-12
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology
- 2015/59/6
Journal of Medical Invectigation
- 2004/51/3-4
Journal of Medical Microbiology
- 1977/10/I.část
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Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology
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Journal of Medical Virology
- 1986/20/4
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Journal of Microbiological Methods
- 1995/23/1
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Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology
- 2010/17/2-6
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
- 2009/46/3-6
Journal of Molecular Diagnostics
- 2007/9/2-5
Journal of National Cancer Institute
- 1994/86/2
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Journal of Natural Products
- 1996/59/1,2
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Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
- 1991/179/5-12
Journal of Neural Transmission
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Journal of Neurochemistry
- 1992/58/5
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Journal of Neurology
- 1993/240/6
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Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and psychiatry
- 2006/77/10
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Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology
- 2004/63/1-7
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Journal of Neurophysiology
- 2009/101/4-6
Journal of Neuroscience
- 1990/10/7,8
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Journal of Neuroscience Methods
- 2006/155/2
Journal of Neuroscience Research
- 1993/36/1
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Journal of Neurosurgery
- 1990/73/4
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Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
- 2004/63/1-7
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
- 2006/13/2-6
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
- 2003/44/12
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Journal of Nutrition
- 1991/121/4
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Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- 2000/20/4
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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
- 2014/11/1-7,9-12
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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- 2010/52/2-7,9-12
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Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Journal of Oral Surgery
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Journal Orthopaedic Research
- 2010/28/3-12
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
- 1990/4/4
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Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
- 1999/35/2-6
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
- 2000/19/1-4
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Journal of Pathology
- 2009/217/5
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Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
- 2004/38/5
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Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics
- 1992/12/6
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Journal of Pediatric Surgery
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Journal of Pediatrics
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Journal of Periodontology
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics
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Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodymamics
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Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
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Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
- 2008/60/3-12
Journal of Physiology – Polsko
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Journal of Plastic, Reconstrutive & Aesthetic Surgery
- 2010/63/3-12
Journal of Psychopharmacology
- 2011/25/9-12
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Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
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Journal of Renal Nutrition
- 2003/13/4
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility
- 1995/105/1
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
- 2005/14/5
Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine
- 1998/21/1,2
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Jounal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques
- 2010/23/2-8
Journal of Studies on Alcohol
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Journal of Surgical Oncology
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Journal of Surgical Research
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Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
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Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
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Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists
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Journal of the American College of Cardiology /JACC/
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Journal of the American College of Surgeons
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Journal of the American Dental Association
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Journal of the American Dietetic Association
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Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
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Journal of the American Chiropractic Association
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Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy
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Journal of the American Medical Association
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Journal of the American Medical Association / česky /
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Journal of the American Optometric Association
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Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research
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Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
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Journal of the National Cancer Institute
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Journal of the Neurological Sciences
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Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
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Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
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Journal of Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology
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Journal of Trauma
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Journal of Urology
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Journal of Virological Methods
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Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness
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Journal Vascular Surgery
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- 1990/62/4-6
- 1990/63
- 1996/74/2,5
- 2004/84/1
Laboratory Medicine
- 1990/21/12
- 1992/23/2-12
Lab Times
- 2016/č.1-4
- 2017/č.2-6
- 1968/1/II.část
- 1979/February
- 2010/375/č.9714…
- 2015/386/9998-10012
- 2016/387/10019-10038
The Lancet Infectious Diseases
- 2016/16/1-2
Lancet Oncology
- 2009/10/3-12
- 2016/17/2-12
Lancet Oncology /CZ/
- 2002/1/1
- 2007/6/1,4
- 2009/8/1
(The) Lancet Oncology
- 2007/8/1
- 2018/18/1-3
La Radiologica Medica
- 1995/89/4
La Recherche
- 2007/č.410-415
- 2000/79/11
- 2004/83/6-8
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
- 2009/41/3-10
Lázeňský obzor
- 2005/8/1/2
Léčba ran
- 2013/č.2
- 2014/č.1,4
- 2015/č.3
Lekársky obzor
- 1982/31
- 1995/44/4
- 1997/46/5
- 2002/51/6-12
- 2006/55/3,5-12
- 2007/56/1-12
- 2008/57/1-12
- 2009/58/1-12
- 2010/59/1-12
- 2011/60/5
Lékař a technika
- 2010/40/1
- 2011/41/2
- 2016/46/1
- 2017/47/2-4
Lékař přítelem
- 2009/1/4
Lékařské listy
- 2001/50/1-4,6,10-13,14-18,20-27,29-34,39-40,42-52
- 2009/č.2,5-8,10
- 2011/č.1-9,11-13
- 2012/č.8,14
Lekárské listy
- 2008/č1,11,13,26,27,28,35,40,41,43,46
Lékařské zprávy
- 2004/49/3-4
Lekársky obzor
- 2013/62/1-12
- 2014/63/12
Liekové riziko
- 1994/3/4,7,8
Life Sciences
- 1990/47/24,25
- 1999/64/11,12
- 2000/66/12
- 2009/84/7-26
Likarska sprava
- 2006/č.8
- 2010/č.3-4
- 2013/č.4
- 2015/č.9-10
Listy aromaterapie a fytoterapie
- 2004/1/zima 2004
Listy celiaků
- 2003/7/2,3,4
Liver Transplantation
- 2002/8/7
- 2010/16/3-12
LKS – Časopis České stomatologické komory
- 1998/8/1-6
- 2000/10/2,9
- 2003/13/2,7,8,9,10,11,12
- 2003/-/4
Lung Cancer
- 1998/19/3
- 1999/23/1,3
Lymfom Help
- 2009/č.1
- 1977/suppl.
- 2010/43/1,3-4
Lyon chirurgical
- 1976/72/II.část
Managed Care
- 2001/č.1-5
- 2003/č.1
Management of Healt Care Quality and Economics
- 1998/1/2-2x,3-2x,4-2x
- 1999/2/2-4
Manual Therapy
- 2007/12/4
Manuelle Medizin
- 1972/10/1-6
Maroc médical
- 1961/40/I.část
Materia Medica Polona
- 1996/28/4
Mayo Clinic Proceedings
- 1994/69/12
Médecine et hygiene
- 1992/50/1955
Médecine et chirurgie digestives
- 1997/26/1,2
Médecine sciences
- 1993/9/4,5
- 1995/11/1
- 1999/15/6,7,11,12
Medica Revue
- 1994/1/1
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
- 1973/11/i. a II. část
- 1998/36/2-6
Medical and Pediatric Oncology
- 1998/30/5,6
Medical Clinics
- 1968/52/4
Medical Clinics of North America
- 1990/37/6
Medical Decision Making
- 2007/27/2-6
Medical Humanities
- 2002/28/2
The Medical Journal
- 2009/17/2-6
Medical Journal of Australia
- 1993/158/6
- 1997/167/10
Medical Microbiology and Immunology
- 1991/180/6
Medical Physics
- 2005/32/2
- 2006/33/3-12
Medical Research Reviews
- 2009/29/3-6
Medical Tribune
- 2012/8/21-26
- 2013/9/1-3,5,8,10,13,15,17,20-21,24-25
- 2014/10/14,16-22,24
- 2018/14/2-3,7-8,13,15-18,20-21,24
Medicina Militaris Slovaca
- 2005/7/2,3
- 2006/8/2-3
- 2007/9/2-3
- 2008/9/2-3
- 2009/10/2-3
- 2010/11/2-3
Medicína po promoci
- 2000/1/2
- 2016/17/4
Medicína pro praxi
- 2004/č.2
- 2009/6/suppl.A,F
Medicina Sportiva Bohemica et Slovaca
- 2000/9/2
Medicinal Research Reviews
- 1981/1/3-4
- 1991/11/2-4
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
- 1990/22/1,3-5,7-12
- 1999/31/5-12
Medicine, Science and the Law
- 1999/39/1
Medical Science Monitor
- 1999/5/2,4,6
Medical Tribune
- 2015/11/1-8,10-13,15-25
- 2016/12/3-4,6,9-10,15,17
- 2017/13/5-6,8,10,15-18,20-21,23
Medicína po promoci
- 2010/11/5
Medicína pro praxi
- 2005/č.1
Medicinska etika a bioetika
- 1996/3/2-4
- 2005/4/3
- 2010/9/7
- 2004/14/1-10
- 2005/15/11
- 2013/23/1,11
- 2014/24/12
Medizin Aktuell
- 1991/17/4,6-8
Medizinische Klinik
- 1973/68/VI.část
Medizinische Welt
- 1961/I.část A
- 1998/49/2
- 1999/50/6,7
Mefanet Journal
- 2013/1/2
Medycyna doswiaczalna i spoleczna
- 1961/13
Melanoma News
- 2018/3/1
NEMO časopis
- 2012/č.9,11
- 2013/č.12
- 2010/17/2-6
Mental Retardation
- 1995/33/3,4,5
- 1998/36/5,6
- 1985/34/12
- 1988/37/8,12
Metabolism : Clinical and Experimental
- 2010/59/4-12
Methods A Companion to Methods in Enzymology
- 1998/14/3,4
- 1999/19/1,3,4
Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
- 1993/15/9,10
- 1998/20/5
Methods of Information in Medicine
- 1991/30/2,4
- 1992/31/1,3-4
- 1994/33/2-4
- 1999/38/1,3-4
- 2011/50/5
- 2012/51/1,5
- 2013/52/1-2,5
- 2014/53/3-6
Metodický list racionálnej farmakoterapie
- 2006/10/1-2
- 2007/11/1-4
- 2008/12/3-4
Microbiological Reviews
- 1991/55/2,4
- 1993/57/3,4
- 1999/19/2-8
Microvascular Research
- 2009/77/2-3
- 1994/10/1,2
- 1997/13/2-4
Mikrobiologičnyj žurnal
- 1961/23
- 1962/24
- 2005/2/3
Minerva ginecologica
- 1997/49/11,12
Minerva chirurgica
- 1990/45/7,18
Minerva pediatrica
- 1998/50/6
- 1999/51/6-12
- 2000/52/3-12
Miniinvazivní terapie
- 1998/3/2,3
MMW-Fortschritte der Medizin
- 2004/146/15
- 2005/147/19-52
Modern Medicine
- 1962/30/V.část
Moderní gynekologie a porodnictví
- 1991/1/4
- 1993/3/1-4
- 2000/9/1,2
- 2001/10/1
Moje psychologie
- 2012/7/1,3-4
Moje zdraví
- 2012/10/2,4-5
Molecular Pharmacology
- 1997/52/4
Molecular Cancer Research
- 2004/2/9
- 2005/3/7-12
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
- 2010/9/2.6-12
Molecular Cell
- 2004/13/1
Molecular Endocrinology
- 2004/18/9
- 2009/23/1
- 2010/24/4-12
Molecular Immunology
- 2005/42/13-15
- 2008/46/3-16
Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde
- 1993/141/1,2
- 2000/148/2
- 2001/149/1,2,3,6,Suppl.1
- 2002/150/2
- 2003/151/1
- 2004/152/9
- 2007/155/1-10,12
- 2011/159/2-12
- 2012/160/1-6,8-12
- 2013/161/10
- 2014/162/9-12
Monthy Vital Statistics Report
- 1971-1972/20
- 1972/21
- 2012/13/5
Motol in
Multiple Sclerosis Research Reports
- 1992/6/4
- 1993/7/3,4
- 1994/8/1,2,4
Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift
- 1961/č.2,4
- 1995/137/20
Muscle and Nerve
- 1993/16/2-12
- 2004/30/1
- 2009/39/4-6
Mutation Research
- 1993/302/4
- 1995/337/3
- 1995/339/4
- 1997/377/1
- 2009/661/1-2
- 2009/662/1-2
- 2009/663/1-2
- 2009/664/1-2
- 2009/665/1-2
- 2009/666/1-2
- 2009/667/1-2
- 2009/668/1-2
- 2009/669/1-2
- 2009/670/1-2
- 2009/671/1-2
Mutation Research Forum
- 1996/1/2,3
- 1998/3/2,4
- 1994/2/1,12
Myelodysplastic Syndrome News
- 2014/2/1
- 2016/4/2
- 2017/5/1
Mysteria tajemna
- 2004/6
- 2005/48/4
Mykologický sborník
- 1998/75/1,3,4
- 2017/24/1
- 2017/11/1-5
- 2018/12/1
Naše léčivé rostliny
- 1991/28/5
- 1992/29/5
- 1993/30/1,4-6
National geographic / Česko /
- 2018/č. leden, listopad, prosinec
- 1972/238/II.část
- 1974/248,249,250,251/New Biology
- 2005/438/7069
- 2010/464/7288,7292,7293…
- 2012/491/7423-7426
- 2013/500/7460
- 2014/508/7494
- 2014/515/7425-7428
- 2014/516/7529,7531
- 2015/517/7534
- 2015/528/7583
- 2016/531/7592-7594,7596
- 2016/537/7618-7620,7622
Nature Biotechnology
- 1995/13/1-5
Nature Cell Biology
- 2003/5/5-12
Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine
- 2006/3/1
Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology
- 2008/4/2-3
- 2009/5/2-12
Nature Clinical Practice Oncology
- 2004/1/1
Nature Immunology
- 2003/4/7,8,9,10,11,12
Nature Medicine
- 1999/5/4,5
- 2004/10/7-suppl
Nature Neuroscience
- 2008/11/1
Nature Reviews
- 2009/6/5
Nemocniční listy
- 2016/17/4
- 2017/18/1-3
- 2018/19/1-3
Nemocniční listy FNO
- 2017/č. leden-červen, září, prosinec
- 2018/č. leden-říjen
- 1962/27
Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation
- 2010/25/8
- 2011/26/10,12
- 2012/27/7-12
- 2016/31/5-12
Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation Plus
- 2010/3/4
- 2011/4/5-6
- 1975/46/2
Neural Plasticity
- 1998-9
Neuroendocrinology Letters
- 1998/19/4
- 1999/20/6
- 2000/21/1
- 2001/22/4
- 2002/23/5,6
- 2012/59/1-3
- 2012/61/1
- 2012/62/2-4
- 2012/63/1-2
Neurologie pro praxi
- 2011/12/suppl.B
- 1993/43/1-8
- 1997/48/1-3
- 1998/50/6
- 1998/51/1-3,5-6
- 2000/54/9
- 2001/56/1
- 2001/57/2
- 1999/24/2
- 2004/41/1,6
- 2008/57/3-6
- 2011/69/2-6
- 2013/80/1-4,6
- 2009/56/3-8
- 1993/28/4
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
- 2000/10/1
- 1998/12/2-4
- 1990/26/6
- 2010/66/2-6
New England Journal of Medicine
- 1979/299/10-17
- 2004/350/25
- 2010/363/19
- 2012/366/21,22
- 2012/367/4-6,13
- 2013/369/12
- 2014/371/1
- 2015/372/11,13
- 2016/375/7
- 2017/376/1-4,8,10-18,21-23
- 2017/377/4-6,9-23,25-26
- 2018/378/1-5,6-9,11-12,21-22
- 2018/379/2,4-6,10,15
New Microbiologica
- 2004/7/1
New York State Journal of Medicine
- 1966/66/15
- 1969/69/8,9
- 1970/70/2,11,15,23-24
- 1971/71/1-2,6-7,10-11,14,16-17,20,22-24
News in Physiological Sciences
- 1989/4/1-3, 5-11
- 1992/7/7,11
Nieren-und Hochdruckkrankheiten
- 1998/27/2-5,7
- 2004/35/12
- 2006/35/8
- 2007/36/2
- 2009/38/7-12
Nitric Oxide
- 2005/13/2-4
Nová akropolis – zrcadlo kultury
- 2005/č.34,35
Noviny červeného kříže
- 2005/12(32)/3
- 2015/22(42)/1,3
Nový zpravodaj
- 1997/č.1
Nuclear Medicine Communications
- 2007/28/4
- 2018/39/12
Nurse Education Today
- 1996/16/1
Nurse Researcher
- 2004-05/12/3,4
Nursing Management
- 2001/32/1-7,9
- 2003/34/11
- 2005/36/7,9-12
Nursing Standard
- 2000/15/1-32
- 2005/19/46-52
- 1998/14/1
- 1999/15/2
- 2000/16/9-12
- 2001/17/6
Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease
- 1991/1/2-4
- 2006/16/2-6
Nutrition Reviews
- 2003/61/5-12
- 2004/62/3
Obesity news
- 2012/6/58-10
- 2015/9/2-3
Obesity Reviews
- 2006/7/1
- 2007/8/5
- 2008/9/6
Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 1993/81/4
- 1993/82/1,2
- 2005/105/5/Part.2
- 2010/115/2-6
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- 2005/1/1-4
- 2006/2/1
- 2008/3/1-3
- 2010/4/1
- 1996/c.3,4
- 2003/č.3
- 1961/5
- 1969/80
- 1970/81
Okénko do Světa homeopatie
- 2014/2/7
- 1991/6/5,9-12
- 1981/38
Onkologická péče
- 2001/5/4
Onkologická revue
- 2017/č.1
- 1979/2/1,3
- 1992/15/3-6
- 2000/12/2
- 2005/17/3-6
- 2012/119/2-3,11-12
Oral Oncology
- 1998/34/3,4-6
Oral Surgery , Oral Medicine , Oral Pathology , Oral Radiology and Endodontics
- 2004/97/2
- 2010/109/4-6
Organs and Tissues
- 1998/1/1
- 1999/2/1
- 2001/4/1
- 2002/5/1
- 2003/6/1,3
- 2004/7/1,3
- 2005/8/1-2
Orthopedic Clinics of North America
- 1981/12/2
- 1982/13/2
- 1995/4/2×1
- 1999/8/2,3,4
- 2006/15/2,3
- 2009/18/1-4
- 2010/19/4
- 2016/25/1-2
- 2017/11/5
Osobní lékař
- 2001/1/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9-2x,10,11,12
- 2002/2/1-5
- 2003/3/11,12
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
- 2003/11/9
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
- 2010/18/3-12
Osteologický bulletin
- 1996/1/42004/9/1,2,3
Oesterreichische Apotheker Zeitung
- 1990/44/1,2,20,21,22
- 1995/49/24
- 2003/57/5
- 2004/58/5,19
- 2005/59/9
- 2006/60/9,13,18,20
- 2007/61/17,22
- 2008/62/10,12
- 2009/63/3,20,22,24
- 2010/64/2,9
Otázky defektologie
- 1967-68/10
- 1968-69/příloha 11
- 1971-72/příloha 12
- 1974/19
Otolaryngologia Polska
- 1961/15
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
- 1992/25/2,5
Otology & Neurology
- 2007/28/2-8
Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie
- 1997/46/2
- 2000/č.2
- 2004/č.3
- 1997/8/2,5-6
- 1998/9/3
- 1999/10/1,2
- 2001/12/1,6
- 2002/13/1,5
- 2003/14/1
Paediatric Endocrinology News /cz/
- 2014/1/1
- 2005/116/3
- 2016/157/4-12
Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti
- 2009/2/3
- 2011/4/3
Pancreatic Cancer News /cz/
- 2014/1/2
Pädiatrie up2date
- 2013/8/1
Pädiatrische Praxis
- 1998-99/55/1,2
- 2011/č.35
- 2012/č.36
- 1993/85/1097
- 1994/86/1-4
- 1997/89/5
- 1998/90/3
Pathology Case Reviews
- 1998/3/3
Pathology Research and Practice
- 1997/193/2
- 2001/č.2-6
- 2002/č.6
PDA-Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
- 1999/48/2-6
- 2006/1/1
- 2011/6/1-4,6
- 2012/7/6
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
- 1993/4/suppl.1,2
Pediatric Asthma, Allergy and Immunology
- 1991/4/1-3
- 2003/16/1
Pediatric Cardiology
- 2005/26/1,6
Pediatric Clinics of North America
- 1970/17/II.část
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
- 1990/7/3
Pediatric Pulmology
- 1985/1/1-6
- 1986/2/1-6
- 1987/3/1-5
- 1988/5/1,3-6
- 1989/7/1-2,4-6
- 1990/8/2
- 1990/9/1-4
- 1991/10/1-2
- 1991/11/2-4
- 1992/12/2-4
- 1992/13/1-3
- 1992/14/1,3
- 1993/15/6
- 1993/16/2
Pediatric Research
- 2000/48/3
- 2010/67/2-6
Pediatric Surgery
- 2008/24/6-12
- 2000/106/č.2/Part 3
- 2004/113/4
- 2008/121/suppl.3
- 2008/122/suppl.1
- 2009/123/suppl.2
- 2010/125/2-6
- 2013/131/4-6
Pediatrie pro praxi
- 2016/17/5
- 1969/8
- 1970/9
- 1998/-/5
- 1995/3/unor,duben,kveten
- 1996/5/rijen,prosinec
- 1997/5/leden,cerven
Periodontal Abstracts
- 1991/39/1,2
- 1997/45/4
- 1999/47/1,3,4
Peritoneal Dialysis International
- 1994/14/2
Pharma Journal
- 1995/5/3
- 2000/10/1-4
- 2003/13/1,3,4,5,6
- 2004/14/1,4,5,6
- 2005/15/4
- 2008/18/3,4
Pharma News
- 2007/2007/leden
- 2011/XI/7-8
- 2012/XII/7-8
- 2013/XIII/7-8
Pharmacological Reviews
- 2010/62/2-4
Pharma profit
- 2014/1/1-2
- 2015/2/3-5
- 2016/č.11-12
- 2017/č.1-2,9-10
Pharmazeutische Praxis
- 1980/35/6
- 1982/37/3
Physical Educator
- 1994/51/3
- 1996/53/4
- 1997/54/1,2,4
- 2004/61/2,3
Physical Therapy
- 1993/73/2,9,11,12
- 1997/77/12
- 2008/88/3-12
Physician and Sportmedicine
- 1987/15/10
- 1988/16/1,2,4-6
- 1989/17/1-3
- 1990/18/1-3
- 1991/19/10
- 1994/22/8,10,11
- 1996/24/8
Physikalische Medizin
- 1993/3/6
Physiological Research
- 1994/43/1,3,4
- 1995/44/1
- 2000/49/6
- 2004/53/1,3-6
- 2011/60/1-5
- 2015/64/3-6
Physiological Reviews
- 2002/82/1
- 2004/84/3
- 2009/89/2-4
- 2007/22/February, April
- 2008/23/June
- 2009/24/October, December
- 2000/86/4
Phytotherapie Austria
- 2009/3/2,4
- 2010/4/2,6
Pigment Cell Research
- 2000/13/1-2,4
- 2006/19/3-6
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- 1992/90/3
- 2006/117/7
- 2010/125/3-6
Plzeńský lékařský sborník
- 1961/15
- 1974/41
- 1970/suppl.2
- 2009/106/2,10,50
Podiatrické listy
- 2006/2006/3
- 2013/2013/3
- 2015/2015/1
Pohybové ústrojí
- 1995/2/1-4
- 1997/4/1-4
- 2000/7/4
- 2001/8/3-4
- 2002/9/1-2
- 2005/12/3-4
Polski tygodnik lekarski
- 1961/16/I.-II. Část
Polskie archiwum medycyny wewnetrznej
- 1997/98/12
- 2006/116/5-6
- 2007/117/1-2
Population and Development Review
- 2011/37/4
- 2012/38/38/1
- 2010/č.1-3
- 2011/č.4
Porodní asistence
- 2006/II/4
Postgraduální gastroenterologie & hepatologie
- 2015/1/2-4
Postgraduální medicína
- 2009/11/6
- 2011/13/1
- 2016/18/1-3,5-6
Postgraduální nefrologie
- 2003/1/3
- 2005/3/5,6
Postgraduate Medical Journal
- 2006/82/965-974
Postgraduate Medicine
- 2006/119/4-6
Poutník Orfeus
- 2005/II/1
- 2013/č.1-2
- 2014/č.5-7
- 2017/č.21
The Practitioner
- 1994/238/1542
- 1997/241/1580
- 1998/242/1585
- 1999/243/1604
- 2002/246/1630,1639
- 2003/247/1650
- 2006/250/1689
Practical Neurology
- 2008/8/2-6
Practicus /cz/
- 2002/1/3-10
- 2003/2/5,6,1-3,5-10
- 2004/3/1,2
- 2011/10/2,5-7
- 2014/13/1,3,8
- 2015/14/1-3,5,8-9
- 2016/15/1-3,5-6,8
- 2017/16/1-3,6,8-10
- 2018/17/2-4,6-10,3
The Practitioner
- 1997/241/1580
- 1998/242/1585
- 1999/243/1604
- 2002/246/1630,1639
- 2003/247/1689
Prague Medical Report
- 2018/119/1-3
Prague ONCO news
- 2018/8/1
Praktická gynekológia
- 1994/1/3,4
Praktická gynekologie
- 2013/17/1-2,4
- 2015/19/1,4
Praktická radiologie
- 2015/20/1-3
- 2018/23/1-3
Praktické lékárenství
- 2006/2006/1
- 2016/12/5-6
Praktické zubní lékařství
- 1982/30
Praktický rodinný lékař
- 1999/č.1,3,4
- 1997/3/3
- 2011/17/5
Právo a ekonomika v praxi soukromého lékaře
- 2005/2005/1,2,3,5
Praque Medical Report
- 2011/112/4
- 2000/89/18,49-52
Prenatal Diagnosis
- 1983/3/1,5-6
- 1984/4/4
- 1998/18/2-12
- 2009/29/3-13
Presse medicale
- 1965/73/VI-VII.část
Prevence sociálně nežádoucích jevů
- 2004/2-3/5-12
- 2005/4/7-12
Preventive Medicine
- 2009/48/4-6
Problemy tuberkuloza
- 1996/ 4,5
- 1997/4-6
Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society
- 2006/3/1
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA
- 1986/83/11
- 1989/86/23
- 1991/88/18
- 1993/90/1
- 2000/97/26
Proceedings of the National Science Council Republic of China
- 1996/20/1-3
- 1997/21/1
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
- 1977/36/2
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine
- 1972/65
- 1997/č.6
- 1999/č.1,3-6
- 2004/10/3-6
- 2005/11/1-3
Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases
- 1965-66/8/3
- 1989 – 1990
- 1990/32/1,2
- 2000-01/43/5
- 2005-06/48/5,6
Progress in Neurobiology
- 2010/90/2-4
Progress in Neuro-Endocrin-Immunology
- 1989/2/1
- 2006/7/2-4
- 1973/3/1
- 1982/23/4
Prostaglandins & other Lipid Mediators
- 2008/85/3-4
Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
- 1998/58/4-6
- 2000/63/1,2,4-6
Prostata- (Matrin)
- 1995/1/1
- 1997/3/2
- 1998/4/2
- 2002/52/4
- 2009/69/5-12
Přes práh
- 1997/7/1,5
- 1998/8/4
Příběhy z ordinace
- 2011/č.6
- 2012/č.3
Psychiatria, Psychoterapia, Psychosomatika
- 2009/16/3
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
- 1999-00/23/2
- 2002-03/26/4
- 2005/06/3,4
Psychiatric Services
- 1995/46/6,9
- 1996/47/3-12
- 2000/4/1
Psychiatrie pro praxi
- 2000/1/3
- 2001/2/1,2
- 2006/IV/5
- 2004/12/4
- 2003/11/3,4
Psychological Review
- 2013/120/2-4
- 2016/123/3-6
Psychologické aktuality
- 1997/3/2-4
Psychologie dnes
- 1999/5/1,12
- 2000/6/2
- 2008/14/1-9
- 2009/15/3,8
- 2010/16/5,8,9
- 2017/23/1-2,6,7-8,12
Psychologie pro praxi
- 2013/XLVIII/1-2
Psychologie v ekonomické praxi
- 1992/27/1-2
- 2004/39/1-2
- 1995/28/1
Psychopharmacology bulletin
- 1986/22/2-4
Psychosomatic Medicine
- 1996/58/5
- 2010/72/2-9
PTA-příloha DAZ-Zeitschrift der DAZ
- 1995/9/7,8
- 1996/10/4,8,9
- 1997/11/8
- 2005/19/6-12
- 1999/č.3,6,8
- 2000/č.5
Pulsus Plus
- 1995/2/3-6
- 2006/99/3-12
- 2005/2/1
Qualitative Health Research
- 1993/3/1,3
- 1995/5/2-4
- 2007/17/3-10
Quality of Life Research
- 1999/8/1-7
- 2000/9/1
- 2002/11/3
Quarterly Journal of Medicine
- 1967/36/I.část
Quitessence International
- 2006/37/4
- 2008/39/1-8
- 2009/40/1
- 2010/41/1-10
- 2011/42/1-2,4-8,10
- 2012/43/1,3-10
- 2004/55/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
- 2011/62/1-7,10
Quintessenz /CZ/
- 2003/12/1,2,3,6
Quitessenz -Parodontologie
- 2003/4/1
Quintessenz – Zubní laboratoř
- 1997/1/1,41998/2,3
Radiační onkologie
- 2005/5/3
Radiation Research
- 1998/149/3-6
- 2010/č.1-2
- 2011/č.1-2
- 2012/č.1
- 1995/15/1-5
- 2005/25/1,3
- 1976/118/I.část
- 1976/121/II.-III.část
- Index 118-121
Radiotherapy & Oncology
- 1998/49/1
- 1999/50/3
- 1999/52/2
- 2002/63/1-3
- 2002/64/1-3
- 2002/65/1-3
- 1994/č.2,4
- 1998/5/2
- 1999/6/2
- 2000/7/2,3,4
Recueil iternational de législation sanitaire
- 1998/49/4
Referátový výběr anesteziologie resuscitace a intenzivní medicína
- 2001/48/1,2,3
Referátový výběr dermatovenerologie
- 2009/51/4,speciál II
- 2016/58/1
- 2018/60/4-6
Referátový výběr z onkologie
- 1992/2/1-2
- 1994/2/2
Regionální anestezie
- 1999/č.5-6
Regulační medicína
- 2000/3/1
- 1992/25/3
- 2000/č.337
- 2002/č.350,351,352,353
- 2004/č.372
Relevé Epidemiologique, Hebdomaire
- 1961/36
- 1962/37
- 1963/38
- 2014/24/5-6
Remedia – Klinická mikrobiologie
- 1997/1/1,2
- 1998/2/1,2,4,5,7,8
Rescue report
- 2016/19/5-6
- 1995/1/1,4
- 2000/6/2
Respiratory Medicine
- 1999/93/11
- 2009/103/3-12
Respiratory Medicine COPD update
- 2005-06/1/2,3
- 2006-07/2/1
- 2004/6/2,3,4
- 2017/15/1-2
- 1994/28/4
- 2001/48/3
- 2009/80/3
Reviews Physiology Biochemistry Pharmacology
- 1986/105
Revista brasileira de oftalmologia
- 1995/54/3,9
- 1996/55/4,5,7,10
- 1997/56/1,4,5,9,11,12
- 2000/59/2,7,10
- 2003/62/1,4,10
- 2004/63/4,11,12
- 2005/64/4
- 2008/64/4
- 2009/68/2,3
- 2010/69/3
- 2011/70/4-6
- 2012/71/2
Revista Espaňola de Cardiologia
- 2005/52/8
Revista do Instituto de medicina tropical de Sao Paulo
- 2000/42/3-6
Revma liga v ČR
- 2011/č.53
Revue Endokrinologie
- 2000/č.4
- 2009/12/2
- 2016/19/1
Revue de laryngologie, d´otologie et de rhinologie
- 1961/82/II.část
Revue médical de Liege
- 1961/16/II.část
- 1972/27/suppl.1
Revue d´odonto-stomatologie
- 1994/23/1,2,3,5
- 1996/25/6
- 1997/26/4-6
- 2002/31/1,2,3
- 2003/32/1,2,3,4
- 2004/33/1,2,4
- 2005/34/1,3
Revue du praticien
- 1964/14/XI.část
- 1991/41/suppl.8
- 1992/42/1,2
Revue du rhumatisme
- 1995/62/4-12
Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie Maxillo-faciale
- 1999/100/4,6
Revue endokrinologie
- 1997/č.1,2
- 1998/č.1,3,4
Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge
- 1996/78/818-822
Revue medicale de la Suisse Romande
- 1986/106/4
- 1992/112/8-12
Revue médicale de Liége
- 1999/54/8-12
Revue medicíny v praxi
- 2009/7/4
- 2011/9/1
- 2012/10/4-6
Revue neurologique
- 1974/130/I.část
Revue ošetrovatelstva a laboratornych metodík
- 1995/1/2,3
- 1996/2/1,2
- 1998/4/2,3
- 2003/9/4
Revue psychoanalytické psychoterapie
- 1999/1/1
- 2000/14/4
- 2017/31/3-4
- 2012/50/1-2,3
Rivista di clinica pediatrica
- 1962/70
- 2000/říjen,listopad
Rivista Italiana di Chirurgia Platica
- 2005/37/3,4
Rossijskij vestnik perinatologii i pediatrii
- 1993/38/1,2
- 1996/41/4,5
- 1998/43/5
Rozpravy ČSAV
- 1965/75/II.část
Příběhy z ordinace
- 2003/č.25,27,28,29
Santé du monde
- 1998/51/6
Sbírka zákonů ČR
- 1999/částka 106
- 2000/částka 74
Sborník lékařský
- 1999/100/2-4
- 2000/101/4
- 2002/103/1
Sborník prací studijního ústavu Státního ústavu sociálního zabezpecení
- 1966/16
- 1968/24
- 1969/35
Sborník vědeckých prací LF UK v Hradci Králové
- 1961/4
- 1965/18
- 1965/18/suppl.
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation
- 1991/51/3
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology
- 1967/2/1,2,4
- 1968/3/1,2,4
- 1999/34/3
- 2000/35/7,8
- 2001/36/3,5-12
- 2002/37/1,2
- 2004/39/1-12
- 2005/40/7
- 2007/42/6,12
- 2008/43/3-12
Scandinavian Journal of Haematology
- 1967/suppl.2
Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- 1991/25/1,2
- 1992/26/3
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery
- 2013/102/2-4
Scandinavian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
- 1991/25
- 1994/28/1
- 1995/29/1,3,4
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
- 2012/38/6
- 2014/40/2-6
- 2008/319/5870,5871
- 2009/324/5925,5934
- 2009/325/5942
- 2011/331/6013-6018,6020-6024
- 2011/334/6059-6058
- 2013/339/6115-6122,6124-6127
- 2013/341/6141-6144,6146-6153
- 2013/342/6154-6164
- 2015/347/6217-6229
- 2015/350/6265
- 2017/355/6321
- 2017/357/6347-6355
Scientia Pharmaceutica
- 1982/50
Scientific American
- 1987/256/3
- 1990/263/4-5
- 1993/269/1-5
- 1995/273/3,4,5
- 1996/275/2-5
- 1997/276/1-3,5-12
- 2001/287/1-12
- 2002/288/1-12
- 2003/289/1-5
Scientific American /české vydání/
- 2004/březen,duben,květen,červen,červenec,srpen,říjen,listopad,prosinec
- 2010/2010/5-12
- 2011/2011/9-12
- 2012/2012/1-4
Scripta medica facultatis medicae Universitatis Brunensis
- 2009/82/2-4
- 2008/17/6-8
- 1991/33
- 1992/1-13
- 1998/40/1-5,25,35,36
- 1999/41/7-36
Seminars in Anesthesia , Perioperative Medicine and Pain
- 1998/17/2,3,4
Seminars in Arthroplasty
- 1996/7/1-3
- 1998/9/2-4
Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology
- 2006/23/2-4
Seminars in Colon and Rectal Surgery
- 1995/6/2
- 2003/14/3
- 2007/18/2-4
Seminars in Nuclear Medicine
- 1990/20/2
- 2006/36/2-4
Seminars in Oncology
- 1999/26/6,suppl.5,12
- 2000/27/suppl.2,3,9,10
- 2001/28/suppl.11
- 2004/31/suppl.4
Seminars in Respiratory Infectious
- 1998/13/2-4
Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI
- 1980/1/1,2
- 1981/2/2
- 1983/4/3
- 1984/5/4
- 1989/10/2-4
- 1990/11/3,4
- 1993/14/1-5
- 2010/31/2-6
Seminars in Vascular Surgery
- 1997/10/2-4
- 2006/19/3
- 2008/21/4
- 2010/23/2-4
- 1996/-/1,5,7
- 1998/7/7
- 2011/2/1,4
- 2013/4/1
- 2018/9/1
- 1993/3/3
- 2002/12/11
- 2009/19/10,12
Sestra /Slovensko/
- 2010/9/7-12
- 2016/15/9-10
Sestra v diabetologii
- 2010/6/1,3
Sexual Dysfunction
- 1998/1/4
Sexuality Reproduction & Menopause
- 2004/2/suppl.June
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- 2010/37/2-12
Sexually , Transmitted , Infections
- 2007/83/2-6
- 2001/1/1
- 2002/2/2
- 2005/5/2
- 2009/6/6
Schweizer Apothekerzeitung
- 1993/131/1-25
- 1997/135/2
Schweizer Archiv fűr Neurologie
- 1992/143/2-6
- 1997/148/1-2,5
Schweizer Monatsschrift fűr Zahnmedizin
- 1999/109/2-12
Schweizer Zeitschrift fűr Onkologie
- 2003/1/1-3
Schweizerische Apotheker Zeitung
- 1992/130/11-25
Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift
- 1995/125/1-4,7
- 1996/126/9,12,14,26
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie
- 1998/46/2-4
Skeletal Radiology
- 2005/34/1-3
Skull Base
- 2003/13/2,3
Slovakofarma Revue
- 1993/3/2
- 1994/4/1
- 1996/6/4
Slovenská gynekológia a porodnictvo
- 1994/1/1
- 1996/3/2-4
- 1998/5/1,2
- 2003/10/1
- 2006/13/3,4
Slovenská radiologia
- 1994/1/2
- 1995/2/1
- 1996/3/1
- 2003/10/2
- 2011/18/2
Slovenský Gong
- 1997/5/4,5,12
- 2003/12/10,11
- 2004/13/1-8
- 2008/17/1-6
Slovenský chirurg
- 2002/6/4
- 2003/7/3
- 2004/8/1
Slovenský lekár
- 2005/15(29)/12
Slovenský zdravotník
- 1996/6/5,6
- 1998/8/2-6
Služba zdravotníkům
- 1998/39/1
Sociální politika
- 1993/19/6-9
- 1997/23/6-12
- 1998/24/10
Sociální práce
- 2016/16/1,4
- 2017/17/1,4
- 2018/18/1,4
Social Sciences & Medicine
- 2006/62/3-12
- 2006/63/2-12
- 2007/64/4-12
Sociologický časopis
- 1997/33/2
- 2002/38/3
- 2005/41/1
- 2009/45/1
Současná klinická praxe
- 2004/3/3-2x
Sovetskaja medicina
- 1969/32/II.část
Sozial und Praventivmedizin
- 1998/43/1
- 1999/44/2
Speciální pedagogika
- 1990-91/1/7-10
- 1991-92/2/1
- 1992-93/3/4
- 1998/č.1,6
- 1999/č.6
- 1992/17/1
- 1994/19/1
- 1997/22/8
- 2002/27/5,7
- 2004/29/23
- 2006/31/21
- 2007/32/3-26
Sports Medicine
- 1986/3/1-4,6
- 1990/10/1,2,4-6
- 1999/27/2-12
- 2018/č.2
- 2014/č.4
- 2016/č.1-2,4-11
- 2017/č.1-2.4-7,9-12
- 1995/32/1,3,7,8,9
- 1996/-/4
- 2014/XIII/12
- 1998/-/3
- 1996/6/6
- 2000/10/1,2
- 2012/22/2-3
- 2013/23/2
- 2014/24/1
Stomatologické zprávy
- 1975/18/
Stoma team
- 2006/6/1-3
- 1990/21/8,9
- 1991/22/4-12
- 1992/23/8
- 2010/41/2-12
Studia Pneumologica et Phthiseologica
- 1996/56/1
- 2001/61/2
- 2002/62/6
- 2011/71/6
Studia Psychologica
- 2005/47/1
Studia sportiva
- 2012/6/1
- 2015/9/1
Súčasná klinická prax
- 2014/č.2
- 2015/č.2
- 2016/č.1
- 2017/č.2
- 2018/č.2
Sudebno-medicinskaja ekspertiza
- 1962/5/1
- 2003/133/2
- 2010/147/4-6
Surgery in Childhood International
- 1993/1/1,3,4
- 1999/7/1-3
- 2000/8/4
- 2002/178/3
Surgical Clinics of North America
- 1974/54/1
- 1986/66/6
Surgical Rounds
- 1998/21/1-5
- 1999/22/7,12
- 2000/23/12
Svatoanenské listy
- 2016/8/1-2
Svět zdravotnictví
- 2012/2012/2
- 2015/2015/2-3
Swedish Dental Journal
- 2002/26/2
- 2003/27/1
- 2006/30/2
- 2012/36/4
- 2013/37/2-4
Swiss Medical Forum
- 2003/3/6,12
- 2004/4/13,15-52
Swiss Surgery
- 1995/č.1
- 1996/č.4
- 1998/č.1
- 2002/č.5
- 2003/č.2-6
Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management
- 2003/7/4
- 2006/10/2-4
- 2015/č.1-41,43-52
- 2016/č.1-38,40-47,49
- 2017/č.1
Tempus Medicorum
- 2000/9/2-4,7-12
- 2006/15/1-10
- 2011/20/1,4-6,9,12
- 2018/27/3-4,12
Teorie a praxe tělesné výchovy
- 1981/29/9
- 1983/31/3,4,6
- 1984/32/7
- 1985/33/1-2,11-12
- 2013/č. jaro,léto,podzim
- 2014/č. léto
- 2015/č. léto, podzim
- 2016/č. podzim, zima
- 2017/č. léto
Therapeutische Umschau
- 1998/55/42003/60/10
- 2004/61/4
- 2005/62/6-12
Therapia Hungarica
- 1994/42/2-4
- 1995/50/6
- 1998/53/4-6
Therapie der Gegenwart
- 1993/132/7,8,10-12
- 1995/45/25
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon
- 1991/39/6
- 2014/62/1-2,4-8
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
- 2006/18/2-4
- 2003/58/9
- 2010/65/3-12
Thrombosis Research
- 1994/75/3
- 1994/76/1,2,6
- 1995/78/3
- 1997/87/2
- 1999/93/5,6
The Thyroid Gland
- 1999/1,3
Thyroid International
- 2015/č.2
Tinnitus Forum
- 2005/2005/3,4
Tobacco Control
- 2006/15/2-6
- 2011/20/2-6
Today´s Chiropractic
- 1995/24/1,3-6
- 1996/25/1-3
- 1999/28/2,5,6
- 2000/29/1,4,5,6
Tokushima Journal Experimental Medical
- 1994/41
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
- 1992/113-117
Transfuze dnes
- 1999/č.4
- 1987/27/5
- 1988/28/3
- 1990/30/6
- 1992/32/4,7-12
- 1993/33/2-10,12
Translational Research
- 2007/149/4-12
- 1963/1/1,3
- 1982/34/2
- 1993/55/6
- 2000/70/2
- 2004/77/10
- 2010/89/3-12
Transplant International
- 2012/25/7-8
- 2013/26/6-7,12
Trends in Biochemical Sciences
- 1987/12/4-6,8,12
- 1989/14
- 1990/15/1,3-12
- 1991/16/3
- 1999/24/4,12
- 2000/25/5-9,11,12
Trends in Cardiovascular
- 2009/19/2-8
Trends in Cell Biology
- 1991/1/1-12
Trends in Genetics
- 2010/26/3-12
Trends in Immunology
- 2002/23/11
- 2009/30/2-12
Trends in Neurosurgery
- 2009/39/2-12
Trends in Parasitology
- 2005/21/2,11
- 2009/25/9
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences
- 2010/31/3-12
- 2015/36/2-12
Tropical Medicine and Hygiene News
- 1995-96/44/3
- 1996/45/1
- 2010/90/2-6
- 1997/83/6
Účelná farmakoterapie
- 1986/č.2-4
- 1997/1/11,12
- 1998/2/3-8,10-12
- 1998/9/4
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
- 1987/13/1-8,10
- 1990/16/4
- 1991/17/1-4,6-8
Ultrasound Obstetric and Gynecology
- 1995/5/5
- 1997/9/1,5
- 1997/10/1
- 2008/32/3
- 2009/33/3-13
- 2000/103/5,6
Unfallheilkunde. Traumatology
- 1977/80/II.část
- 2000/1/1
- 2005/6/3-6
Úrazová chirurgie
- 1996/4/2
- 2003/11/1,4
- 2011/19/2
- 2015/23/4
- 2016/24/1,4
- 2017/25/3
- 2018/26/1,4
Urgentní medicína
- 2008/11/4
- 2012/15/4
- 2013/16/1-4
- 2014/17/3-4
- 2015/18/3
- 2016/19/3
Der Urologe
- 2005/44/6
Urologic Clinics of North America
- 1988/15/4
Urologické listy
- 2003/1/2
- 2005/3/2-3
- 2010/8/2-3
Urologija i nefrologija
- 1998/c.5
- 1983/21/5
- 1984/24
- 1985/25-26
- 1992/39/1-3
- 2004/64/1
- 2010/75/4-6
- 1996/č.1,4
- 1998/16/14,15
- 1999/17/9-24
Vaccine Research
- 1997/6/4
- 2013/42/1-5
- 2017/46/5
- 2019/48/4
- 2006/14/6
- 2007/15/2-6
Vaskulárna medicína
- 2010/2/1-3
- 2011/3/1-2
- 2012/4/3-4
Váš osobní lékař
- 2004/díl XXIII
- 2011/č.1,3-4
- 1997/1/jaro
- 1992/71/4
Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii
- 1993/1-3
- 1996/4,5
- 1998/5
Vestnik chirurgii
- 1993/150/1,2,7-12
- 1993/151/7-12
- 1996/155/3
- 1998/157/5
- 2000/159/4
Vestnik Ministerstva zdravotnictva SR
- 1997/45/14,15
- 1999/47/20-21
- 2003/51/34-37
Vestnik oftalmologii
- 1987/103/1,2,3,4,5
- 1988/104/6
- 1996/112/3,6
- 1998/114/5,6
Vestnik otorinolaringologii
- 1993/-/1,4,5,6
- 1995/-/1
- 1996/4,5
- 1998/-/5,1
Věda a výzkum
- 2018/2/3
Věstník věnovaný zájmům porodních babiček
- 1912
- 1913
- 1914
- 1915
- 1916
- 1917
Via Practica
- 2007/4/5,10
- 2008/5/9-12
- 2009/6/2-11
- 2011/8/5
- 2017/14/1-4,6
Vital /suppl. BDJ/
- 2004/1/winter
- 2005/2/autumn
Virchows Archiv – B – Cell Pathology
- 1991/61/5,6
- 2004/320/2
- 2004/329/2
Vita Nostra Revue
- 1997/č.3,4
- 2003/12/1
- 1996/6/6,9
- 1997/7/9,11,12
- 1999/9/1
Vital and Health Statistics
- 1964/series 11/č.1-6
- 1995/1/3,4,7,12
Vnitřní lékařství
- 1970/16/II.část
- 2015/61/6
- 2017/63/4
Vojenské zdravotnické listy
- 2016/85/1
- 2012/č.1,3-4
Vox pediatriae
- 2011/11/1-3,5-7,9-10
- 2016/16/1-3,5-6,8,10
- 2018/18/1-4,6-10
Výhledy a výzvy diabetologie
- 2016/č.2
- 2017/č.2
- 1994/49/2
Výživa a zdravie
- 1998/43/1
- 2002/47/1,3,4
Wakayama Medical Reports
- 2005/45/1-4
- 2006/46/1-4
Wound Repair and Regeneration
- 1997/5/5,6
- 2001/9/5
- 2002/10/1,4,6
WHO Drug Information
- 2006/20/4
- 2007/21/1,2,4
- 2010/24/2-4
Zázraky medicíny
- 2016/č. červenec-srpen, říjen, prosinec
- 2017/č. leden-únor, květen-listopad
- 1996/44/12
- 1997/45/10
- 1998/46/3
- 2006/54/6
- 2016/64/3-12
- 1993/49/4,8,10
- 1996/52/4,7
- 1998/54/1,2,4,6
- 1999/55/1
Zdravotnícke aktuality
- 1995/5/7
Zdravotnické fórum
- 2011/2011/1,3
- 2013/2013/říjen
Zdravotnícke noviny-Lekarske listy
- 1996/1/1-17
- 2004/9(53)/1-25
- 2005/10(54)/16
- 2008/13(57)/1,11,13,46,47
Zdravotnické noviny – Lékařské listy
- 2004/53/5
- 2008/57/41
- 2014/č.8,11-12
Zdravotnické noviny
- 2009/58/39-40,42-44
- 2012/61/1-4,7-8,10,12-13,17,19-2124-25,27-28,31-34,37-39,42,46-52
- 2014/63/8-10,12,14,17-18,23,25
- 2015/64/1-2
- 2016/65/1,6-7
- 2018/67/3-4,11,18,30-31,34-35
Zdravotnictví a medicína
- 2016/č.6,9-11
- 2017/č.6,9
- 2018/č.5-8
Zdravotnictví v České republice
- 1998/1/1,2
- 2004/2004/listopad,prosinec
- 2005/VIII/2
- 2010/XIII/1,2,4
Zdravý život
- 1994/1/1,2
- 1996/3/1
- 2003/10/duben
Zeitschrift fur Arzt
- 1998/92/10
Zeitschrift fur Geburtshilfe und Perinatologie
- 1993/197/1,3
Zeitschrift fur Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie
- 1995/199/1
Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte experimentelle medizin
- 1961/135
- 1991/suppl.4
Zeitschrift fur klinische Medizin
- 1986/41/22
- 1987/42/13
- 1992/47
Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie
- 1964/7/1
- 1972/14/4
- 1973/15/2-4
- 1974/16/2-4
Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie
- 1992/51/1-12
Zeitschrift fur Geburtshilfe und Perinatologie
- 1961/157/Beiheft
Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete
- 1991/37/4-6
Zeitschrift fűr Urologie
- 1968/61/II.část
Zeitschrift fűr die gesamte Innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete
- 1991/46/1-9
- 1992/47/1-3,5
Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie
- 1994/44/4
- 2000/50/12
- 2002/52/1
Zentralblatt fur Neurochirurgie
- 1962/23
Zentralblatt fűr Pathologie
- 1992/138/1
- 1995/140/6
Zeitschrift fur Hautkrankheiten
- …
Zeutschrift fur Haut und Geschlechtskrankenheit
- 1977/52/IV.část
- 2005/7/2-6
ZN – Kongresový list
- 2012/č.2,5,7-8,10-11
ZN plus
- 2016/65/1,6-7
- 2018/67/1,3,11,35,41,49
- 2006/27/6
Zpravodaj AMD
- 2001/XX/1,2
- 2003/XXII/2
Zpravodaj asociace polio
- 2019/č.1-2
Zpravodaj Civilní ochrany
- 1998/30/1,2,3
Zpravodaj Českého sdružení prac. v dezinfekci,…
- 1992/1/1,2,4
- 1993/2/2,4
- 1994/3/1,4
Zpravodaj klubu nemocných CF
- 2003/červen
Zpravodaj Levret klubu
- 2003/listopad2004/červenec
Zpravodaj Ministerstva životního prostředí
- 1995/5/10
Zpravodaj Sdružení pracovníku desinfekce, desinsekce a deratizace
- 1992/1/1,2,4
- 1993/2/2,4
- 1994/3/1,4
- 1995/4/1
- 1996/5/1
Zpravodaj Sdružení celiaků
- 2005/2005/3,4
Zpravodaj úrazové chirurgie
- 1993/1993/1,2,4
- 1994/1994/1,4
Zpravodaj VFN v Praze
- 1996/2/5-12
Zpravodaj vojenské farmacie
- 2009/XIX/4
- 2010/XX/2
Zpravodaj vojenského zdravotnictví
- 2013/XXII/2-4
Zpravodaj VZP
- 1994/3/1,2,4,6
- 1995/4/1,2
- 1996/5/1,6
Zprávy centra epidemiologie a mikrobiologie
- 2013/22/1-2,4,6-7,9-12
- 2014/23/1-2,5-9,11-12
- 2015/24/1-2,6-7,9-12
Zprávy SEVAC
- 1993/4
ZWR – Deutsche Zahnarztelblatt
- 1998/107/1-3,5-12
- 1997/45/2-4
- 1998/46/1,3
Žurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i imunologii
- 1993/1,2,3,5
Žurnal neurologii i psichiatrii
- 1998/98/10-12
Žurnal praktičeskovo vrača
- 2003/č.4-6
- 2004/č.4
Žurnal praktičnoho likarja
- 2005/č.1
- 2007/č.4-6
Žurnal ušnych, nosovych i gorlovych boleznej
- 1995/2,6